When you connect to the Unseen World, there are always questions, because much of it doesn’t make sense in our linear way of thinking on this realm. We try to analyze things, and ask “how could this be so?” Below are some answers to a list of questions that was posted from our first Silicon Valley Blue Soul Circle in Mountain View earlier this summer.

So much of our work has to do with faith (not in the religious sense at all) but just faith in unknowing and a spiritual realm beyond what Science can explain and we can fathom.

Blue Soul Circles
Faith and trust is a sense of knowing even though your rational mind can’t explain it. It is going above and beyond what our linear ways of thinking can do on this realm.

What other dimensions are there in the realm of the unseen world?

From how our Spirit Guides have related to myself and Renee, there are a lot of dimensions in the realm of the unseen would. They have often spoken of spirits having the ability to pass from one reality to another whenever they choose. That is, the reality that we know of now, in this present time is only one of many. Spirits seem to have the ability to travel between space and time and various realms of consciousness as we are able to imagine it.

Are we always connected to those Beings but we don’t know it?

YES! Believe it or not, they are always watching us no matter where we are and what we are doing.  It appears that everything we do, say and even think, somehow gets recorded. Now, that’s not to say that we must live our lives like saints. That’s not the case at all and in fact, we are here to live our lives filled with pleasure, joy and love. They do not want any of us to suffer if it is not meant to be. That is, we seem to choose our lives long before we are even born. However, we also appear to have many different outcomes of how our lives will end.  They are watching us and working through us even though most us are completely unaware of it.

How can we connect with them in our daily lives?

We already are connected with them, most of us simply just don’t know it and are unaware of it. They really do work through us in mysterious ways. I never believed any of this and was so driven by my own ego-driven and self-centered person that I could only see a very narrow view of life. And then they came a-knocking and that’s when the proverbial shit really hit the fan. Don’t wait for them to knock on your door if you feel like you have a Divine calling to serve. I didn’t listen to all of the times they were trying to communicate with me, and as a result, they not only knocked, but kicked the door down and shattered it to pieces until I became awake. Become more awake by desiring them to become part of your life.

How to be with the energies of Goddesses like Gaia, Spiritual Guides, Ascended Masters, and Angels?

To be in communion with the energies of Goddesses like Gaia, Spiritual Guides, Ascended Masters, and Angels , that is a very good question? They have said to us and especially to Renee that in order to feel their presence, one must truly desire it. It is important to mediate and pray with the intention of accepting their presence in your everyday life.  It is easier said than done. I liken it to exercise; practice, practice and more practice and you will obtain the outcome that you desire.

Blue Soul Circles
This stunning painting by La Nascita Di Vene explains a lot of this in many ways. Years ago, artists were channeling without even realizing it, even though some may have understood this at a Soul’s Level. Are our dreams real and if so, what can they tell us? Teach us?         

Are we going to join them in our after life? 

Yes and No. “Yes”, because we are already with them now and “No” because there really isn’t an afterlife. They kind of burst my bubble when they told us that. What they mean is this: Because we are made 99.9% of spirit and 0.01% of flesh, bone, blood  (my math is likely wrong here, but you get the jist of what they are trying to say), we are all having nothing more than a spiritual life in an human existence. We are spirit first, human second.

Once this human existence ends, we then return to our true existence as spirit again. So, is there an afterlife? It’s only no because it is all part of one life but just in different forms. Our true nature is of spirit, not of flesh.

Read my post which answers some of the questions which came up in some of our early Blue Soul Circles as well as this post on our first Blue Soul Circle in Silicon Valley, which is useful for us to all delve deeper into our own understanding of what it means to live a spiritual life. Also be sure to read our FAQ as well as About Channeling for additional information.

If you are interested in booking a Blue Soul Circle in your home, organization, club, or on a tour or destination (we love spiritual travel), shoot us an email at info@bluesoulearth.com with your interest and why, goals and intentions and budget and we can create a l’il magic together.


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