In response to some of the questions which came up during some of our first Blue Soul Circles, I have put together responses which should help shed some light on how our Spirit Team flows through both Renee and I during our group gatherings.

While Spirit incorporates my “soul” so to speak in order to directly connect to and heal individuals, the power is magnified because High Light Spiritual beings use both Renee and I to connect, making the words of wisdom and vibration that much more powerful — our team tells us frequently that the strength is amplified tenfold by working together.

Someone from our June circle asked, “what’s it personally feel like physically when they work through me?”

When spirits are moving in and out of me, I am definitely in another realm. It literally feels like my head is spinning and my entire body is electric. The air becomes electric as they radiate their energy outwards to the group and to each individual. I can understand why it is difficult to put into words and how overwhelming it may become.

Blue Soul Circles
Opening up yourself to the Light simply means remembering your Soul and it’s Journey, for this is your purpose & higher calling! Love is the connecting force.

Although Spirit didn’t have a great deal of time to spend with each participant, I had a sense that it was very important for them to communicate with each person and his/her spiritual team. I know from experience that the more time that Spirit is able to connect with one particular person, the easier it becomes to communicate with that person’s spiritual team and thus, the messages become more profound and more meaningful.

Also, the realm we work with is one of Divine Love only. It is the only realm that Renee and I will permit to pass through us both. Don’t be afraid to share your experience with others. By sharing your experience, you acknowledge them and begin to reduce your resistance of their existence and their willingness to help you in every way possible.

I have now come to accept it and just simply allow it to happen. These beings are very powerful and have quite an affect on people with whom they come into contact. Even for us, it is amazing and awe inspiring each and every time. Allow your soul to accept that which seems impossible. It’s a bit like being a child again and believing in things that you thought no longer existed.

Blue Soul Circles
Contrary to what you may think when you see this image of a hand lifted up to the heavens, connecting to Spiritual Light Beings has nothing to do with man-made religion, it’s simply opening yourself up to connect the LIGHT!

Simply put, I had to allow myself to believe again as a child in those things that I tried for so long to close my mind to however, this time I focus my beliefs on only those energies that our of the highest and purest white light energy and nothing more. Focus only on the best and only the best will come to you.

Another participant who hails from the world of business and technology asked about proof and how do we know?

“How DO we know for sure who the light beings are?”

Faith and trust is a big part of this process when connecting to the Other Side. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take precautions when you begin to open up to Spirit — of course you should as dark energies can get through. Intention is a very important piece of the equation when you connect as well as learning about how to ground and only connect to the highest possible light and “beings.”

I, too, come from both a literary and a science background. I truly believe that both have prepared me well for my mediumship today. As a student of literature, I would say that anything is possible and that all this makes reasonable sense. From my science background as a SLP, I would say that this is all a bunch of hocus pocus.

I must now put everything aside and simply allow myself to be one with Spirit. In this way, I am able to understand many of the questions I had as a child and all of the strange happenings that I simply thought were a figment of my child-like imagination.

As I stated previously, it’s quite alright to have a child-like imagination once again especially as we grow older. It is precisely my child-like imagination that allowed me to open up to all of the possibilities that the Universe is able to offer to myself and to Renee. Without your imagination, you only put limits on what you feel that you may believe and limit yourself from a myriad of endless possibilities that Spirit is willing to give and share with you.

Believe.  It’s easier than you think and it’s fun. “Se vuoi poi” — if you want, you can.

“Se vuoi, poi” — If you want, you can. 

Read my post which answers some of the questions which came up during our first Blue Soul Circle in Silicon Valley, which is useful for us to all delve deeper into our own understanding of what it means to live a spiritual life. Also be sure to read our FAQ as well as About Channeling for additional information.

If you are interested in booking a Blue Soul Circle in your home, organization, club, or on a tour or destination (we love spiritual travel), shoot us an email at with your interest and why, goals and intentions and budget and we can create a l’il magic together.

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