Past Events › South Bay Event


Blue Soul Circles are Back

San Rafael, CA

April 2022: Join us for Blue Soul Circles in the SF Bay Area, from the South Bay, Sonoma, East Bay and Marin to Napa. Want us to hold one in your area, reach out to us at info at bluesoulearth dot com.


Become Enlightened Through Travel

Santa Clara Convention Center Santa Clara, CA, United States

October 23, 2022: Join us as we speak on Transformative Travel at the Travel & Adventure Show at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Silicon Valley. Become "Enlightened" Inside and Out through your travel experiences. We'll also have a booth for the entire event: Sat, Oct 23 and Sun, Oct 24.

Enlightenment Expo in Santa Clara: July 20

Hilton Santa Clara 4949 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA, United States

July 20, 2024: Come to our booth, get a signed copy of our book, and join us at 3 pm for our talk. We'll speak about the masculine and feminine rebalancing that the world so needs right now and how it starts within each of us. We'll explore Magdalene & Yeshua's original Gnostic teachings and how they apply to our modern times. Enter the multidimensional soul into the mix and you'll have a better understanding of just how powerful we are as energy beings -- that we are indeed the gurus that humanity has been seeking outside of ourselves. We are all avatars and every one of us truly has the power to heal ourselves emotionally, mentally, and physically. When we learn how to access our Higher Self (our Soul Self) for knowledge and frequency matching to the Universal Consciousness of All That Is, we can begin to not just comprehend the I Am Who I Am message, but live and breathe it every single day.