The Future of Afghan Women

Suddenly there’s major concern across the country — from the mainstream media to every last rock-ribbed Republican — for the rights of Afghan women and girls to be able to […]
Defining Karma: What is it for You?

Although the origin of the word Karma comes from ancient Sanskrit which is associated with ‘action, effect and fate’, and most known from Hinduism and Buddhism, it has moved across […]
How is Consciousness Connected to Your Immune System?

Consciousness is thrown around as a word lately so much that it has begun to lose meaning. But what does it mean in the context of your health and general […]
A Clean Home’s Connection to Spiritual Well-Being

Recently we taught a channeled course over a four week period and one of the topics was Purification. In fact, we kicked off the first class with it. Why? Because […]
Welcome to Blue Soul MASTERS™

We are excited to announce our new Blue Soul MASTERS™ program, which is an Advanced Study with Spirit™ course taught via Zoom three times a year & once a year, […]
Gaia’s Voice Through Raging Fires

As the fires rage on America’s west coast, I sit here looking out my window and no longer is there a blue sky, white puffy clouds or sunshine in sight. […]
Sacredness Amidst Systemic Racism

Continued Covid-19 lockdowns still plague the world and in the midst of all of it, shocking events prevail, making the most faithful among humanity to question any spiritual belief system […]
Good Timber for Uncertain Times

I have written about my martial arts journey in an earlier post and the important role it has had in my life, especially while living in the Bronx. My martial […]
Access Higher Levels of Consciousness

Ready to tune into higher levels of consciousness from the guides we channel. Our “Spirit Guides” largely make up the Ascended Masters that cultures across Humanity know well — they […]