Monthly Archives: October 2020

29 10, 2020

The Parallel Realities & Universes of Peace & War

By |2020-10-29T16:00:48+00:00October 29th, 2020|Planet Earth, Spiritual Reflections|Comments Off on The Parallel Realities & Universes of Peace & War

Here’s a piece of paradoxical news that puts even the looming U.S. presidential election in perspective: Nuclear weapons are now (or soon will be) . . . illegal. Armageddon is [...]

10 10, 2020

A Clean Home’s Connection to Spiritual Well-Being

By |2022-10-17T18:00:27+00:00October 10th, 2020|Asia, Featured, Health & Well-Being, Japan, Mind/Body Balance, Newsletter, Planet Earth, Spiritual Health|Comments Off on A Clean Home’s Connection to Spiritual Well-Being

Recently we taught a channeled course over a four week period and one of the topics was Purification. In fact, we kicked off the first class with it. Why? Because [...]