What Seed Will You Plant in 2024?

During the Renaissance, the nature and freedom-loving Druids, Celts and other people “of the earth” honored their ancestors. They honored the seasons and with each season, a renewal of something, […]

Access Higher Levels of Consciousness

Ready to tune into higher levels of consciousness from the guides we channel. Our “Spirit Guides” largely make up the Ascended Masters that cultures across Humanity know well — they […]

March 11: 906 World Channeling

Join Renee & Anthony for an evening of full embodied CHANNELING in San Francisco. They will channel a collective group of spiritual energies which largely make up Ascended Masters from […]

Channeling to a Group vs Individual

A participant at one of our Blue Soul Circle gatherings asked if there is a difference between channeling in a group setting versus an individual setting? The the answer is […]

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