Feb 2: Soul Search Expo in Burlingame

Doubletree Hilton Burlingame Burlingame, CA, United States

Feb 2, 2025: Join us in Burlingame California at the Soul Search Expo. We'll be speaking at 2:00 pm on The Rise of the Feminine with Mary Magdalene. We'll also be sharing insights from our book Magdalene's Journey and profiling our Magdalene Collection jewelry line at our booth all day. There will be private sessions at the booth as well.


Renee & Anthony @ Conscious Life Expo in LA

LAX Hilton 5711 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Feb 7-9, 2025: Join us Conscious Life Expo @ Booth 206 at the LAX Hilton from Friday through Sunday. We'll be speaking on Sunday, Feb 9 at noon (free lecture) on the Rise of the Feminine with Mary Magdalene. We'll discuss the Rise of the Feminine even though it sometimes feels like things are not moving forward. In this full-embodied channeling experience, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with both Magdalene and Yeshua who will relay pivotal messages about the re-balancing taking place on the planet and ancient teachings brought anew. Included are teachings on the multidimensional soul, why understanding the multidimensional aspects of the Self can transform your daily life and new quantum understandings to demonstrate that we are not separate from Source, the true healing power lies within, and everything is truly interconnected. We will also be doing book signings following our lecture and at the booth of our latest book Magdalene's Journey as well as highlighting our Magdalene Collection jewelry line.

Lecture: Mary Magdalene & the Rise of the Feminine: Feb 9 in LA

Hilton LAX 5711 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Feb 9, 2025: Join us for a lecture about Mary Magdalene and the Rise of the Feminine as well as readings from our new book Magdalene's Journey at the Hilton LAX in Los Angeles on Sunday, Feb 9 at 12 pm noon. It's part of the Conscious Life Expo so it's free if you  have a pass. We hope to see you there.

Book Reading: Mystic Journey Bookstore in Santa Monica

Mystic Journey Bookstore 2923 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA, United States

Feb 10, 2025: Join us for a book reading of our new book Magdalene's Journey at Mystic Journey Bookstore in Santa Monica, CA. We'll be talking about the rise of the divine feminine and Mary Magdalene's urgent voice at this time for the world to rebalance the masculine and feminine energies within each of us. We'll be reading excerpts from the book and signing them afterwards. Show up at 1 pm for a unique two hour experience: 2923 Main St, Santa Monica, CA 90405.


Book Signing: Copperfield Books in Novato: Feb 22

Copperfield Books 999 Grant Street, Novato, CA, United States

Feb 22, 2025: Join us for a book signing of our new book Magdalene's Journey at Copperfield Bookstore in Novato, CA. The book talks about the rise of the divine feminine and Mary Magdalene's urgent voice at this time for the world to rebalance the masculine and feminine energies within each of us. Show up from 11 am until 12:30 pm: 999 Grant Avenue, Novato, CA 94945.


Soul Search Dublin Event: March 1-2

Holiday Inn Dublin-Pleasanton 6680 Regional Street, Dublin, United States

March 1-2, 2025: Join us at the Soul Search Enlightenment Expo on Saturday and Sunday, March 1-2. We'll have a booth at the expo and will be speaking on Sunday where we'll talk about lessons learned and shared in our new book Magdalene's Journey: Behind the Scenes with Mary Magdalene, a Rich Channeling Experience. We'll honor the Divine Feminine we each have in all of us. In addition to taking questions from the audience about their teachings and/or life, we will also be reading an excerpt from our book. It's free to attend if you register in advance. https://www.soulsearch.io/dublinexpo


Live Zoom Call: Mary Magdalene & Yeshua’s Story

Zoom Call

March 13, 2025: Join us for a free live channeling session via Zoom to discuss Mary Magdalene and Yeshua's lives and truth. What was their story two thousand years ago? What was left out and why? What might history, society and even business look like today if more women's voices were included in the historical narrative? Show up with your pressing questions about their life and journey. It's a free session but you must register on Eventbrite to receive the Zoom link. Link provided here. Learn more about Magdalene's Journey here: https://www.magdalenesjourney.com.


Soul Search in Santa Clara: April 5-6

Hilton Santa Clara 4949 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA, United States

April 5-6, 2025: Join us at Soul Search in Santa Clara where we'll have a booth and be speaking on Saturday at 3:00 pm on Join us in an empowering hour that honors the Divine Feminine we each have in all of us. As channels of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, will will channel their energies during this riveting session where you'll feel the energy of the All That Is, of Source, of Universal Consciousness and truly understand how to ebb and flow with both to create harmony and flow in your life. In addition to taking questions from the audience about their teachings and/or life, we will also be reading an excerpt from our newly launched book: Magdalene's Journey: www.magdalenesjourney.com. It is free to attend as long as you register in advance. https://www.soulsearch.io/santaclaraexpo


April 11 Live Zoom: Access Your Higher Self’s Power & the Unified Field

Zoom Call

April 11, 2025: Join us for this riveting free Zoom call session where we'll channel our guides and go into an expanded state of awareness and consciousness. Discover how you too, can access your Higher Self's power, wisdom and innate knowing as a pathway for tapping into the unified field, where true healing, peace and serenity lie. Come armed with your most pressing questions. This session is free to attend; however, you must register via Eventbrite here to receive the Zoom link.


A Balanced Heart with Mary Magdalene: Soul Search April 12-13

April 12-13, 2025: Join us at the Soul Search Enlightenment Expo in Rohnert Park CA on Saturday and Sunday, April 12-13. We'll have a booth at the expo and will be speaking on Sunday at 11:00 am where we'll talk about lessons learned and shared in our new book Magdalene's Journey: Behind the Scenes with Mary Magdalene, a Rich Channeling Experience. We'll honor the Divine Feminine we each have in all of us. In addition to taking questions from the audience about their teachings and/or life, we will also be reading an excerpt from our book. It's free to attend if you register in advance. https://www.soulsearch.io/rohnertparkexpo


New Living Expo: May 9-11, 2025

Marin Center 20 Avenue Of the Flags, San Rafael, CA, United States

May 9-11, 2025: Join us for three days of magic at the New Living Expo in San Rafael, CA. We'll be speaking at the show on the Rise of the Feminine with Mary Magdalene, doing book signing for Magdalene's Journey and profiling our Magdalene Collection jewelry line. We will also be doing sessions at the booth and speaking at our book at set times throughout each day. Stop by our booth and come to our talk. We hope to see you in Marin.


May 18 Darshan Soul Activation at Citrine

Citrine 489 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur, CA, United States

May 18, 2025: Join us for a oneness soul renewal experience we call Darshans, but you can also see them as biofield activations with soul messages that ignite your spiritual journey or amplify one you're already on. Think of it as a sacred ceremony that honors each participant in the room to receive a truly unique Darshan Activation experience. We'll combine meditation and slowing down the mind with soul-expanding ceremony and heart-opening energy transmissions. Many have described it this way: A soul renewal, a clarity they haven't felt in years or ever, a greater opening to their heart, deep healing, inner joy and bliss and an expansion of consciousness. There will be individual work and collective energy attunements to unite us into a place of oneness and interconnectedness. You can register here: https://momence.com/s/114188299

This video gives a brief overview of some of the Darshan experiences we’ve done in the SF Bay Area, Ashland Oregon and Mount Shasta: https://youtu.be/Q6A8VX2sbM8?si=_18NIvqxq-63alQ0. 

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