Self Love: The Door to Awakening
Marin, CA , United StatesSeptember 5, 2019: Join us for a Blue Soul Circle on Self Love, the Path to Awakening.
September 5, 2019: Join us for a Blue Soul Circle on Self Love, the Path to Awakening.
Dec 12, 2019: Join us for a channeling workshop on the Power of Forgiveness and how it will heal you and everything around you.
Dec 19, 2019: A Workshop for Empaths on how to balance and ground yourself.
January 20, 2020: Join us for a workshop with channeling of the Ascended Masters, Yeshua and Magdalene. A Guided Meditation and energy activations will be part of the experience.
At this Brooklyn Blue Soul Circle, you'll experience a rare full embodied channeling of both Mary Magdalene and Jeshua’s ‘essence and energy’ as well as other Ascended Masters & High Dimensional Beings. Healers & channelers Renee & Anthony will be co-hosting this empowering circle with Andrew Kippen in New York City, their second time to […]
In this powerful Blue Soul Circle, we will channel ancient ascended masters for ancient wisdom and healing. We will focus on ancient wisdom around core themes that come up in our daily lives, as well as Intention and how we can use it regularly without resistance, without fear..... And, how to incorporate crystals and gemstones […]
When we speak about Love, especially around Valentine's Day, it is often associated with Romantic Love. The powerful thing about Divine Love is that it doesn't matter whether it's Romantic Love, a love for a child, or a love for a sister, mother, brother or friend -- there's no difference. When we say Divine Love, […]
We will channel Higher Dimensional Beings (Ascended Masters who speak as one collective voice). Unique in the world of channeling, both Anthony and Renee act as vessels to teach & heal using the powerful combined forces of the masculine feminine & the masculine divine. If you consider the truth that we are all made up […]
February 22, 2020: Join us for a workshop at The Center SF in San Francisco on How to Deepen Your Intuitive Abilities.
We all carry powerful Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energies but how do we show up with both of them in harmonious balance so we can feel aligned with who we truly are? Over the course of thousands of years, we have developed a way of being, living and thinking that defines us in "boxes" […]
March 11, 2020: Join us in San Francisco where we'll also be streaming a live channeling event in case you're not local.
Join Renee & Anthony for an evening of full embodied CHANNELING in San Francisco. They will channel a collective group of spiritual energies which largely make up Ascended Masters from other realms and dimensions. The focus will be on ancient wisdom around core themes that come up in our daily lives including: Consciousness: What is […]