SoulSearch Enlightenment Expo in Santa Clara: November 9

Hilton Santa Clara 4949 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA, United States

November 9-10, 2024: Join us in Santa Clara, California for the SoulSearch Enlightenment Expo. Stop by our booth. Get a signed copy of Magdalene's Journey, our new book. Come hear us speak on November 9 at 1:00 pm. We'll be addressing masculine and feminine balance, the soul's journey and igniting your Soul Self, or your true Authentic Self so you show up in the world with more ease and grace. Joy. Serenity. Love.


Feb 2: Soul Search Expo in Burlingame

Doubletree Hilton Burlingame Burlingame, CA, United States

Feb 2, 2025: Join us in Burlingame California at the Soul Search Expo. We'll be speaking at 2:00 pm on The Rise of the Feminine with Mary Magdalene. We'll also be sharing insights from our book Magdalene's Journey and profiling our Magdalene Collection jewelry line at our booth all day. There will be private sessions at the booth as well.

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