Book Signing: Copperfield Books in Novato: Feb 22

Copperfield Books 999 Grant Street, Novato, CA, United States

Feb 22, 2025: Join us for a book signing of our new book Magdalene's Journey at Copperfield Bookstore in Novato, CA. The book talks about the rise of the divine feminine and Mary Magdalene's urgent voice at this time for the world to rebalance the masculine and feminine energies within each of us. Show up from 11 am until 12:30 pm: 999 Grant Avenue, Novato, CA 94945.


A Balanced Heart with Mary Magdalene: Soul Search April 12-13

April 12-13, 2025: Join us at the Soul Search Enlightenment Expo in Rohnert Park CA on Saturday and Sunday, April 12-13. We'll have a booth at the expo and will be speaking on Sunday at 11:00 am where we'll talk about lessons learned and shared in our new book Magdalene's Journey: Behind the Scenes with Mary Magdalene, a Rich Channeling Experience. We'll honor the Divine Feminine we each have in all of us. In addition to taking questions from the audience about their teachings and/or life, we will also be reading an excerpt from our book. It's free to attend if you register in advance.


New Living Expo: May 9-11, 2025

Marin Center 20 Avenue Of the Flags, San Rafael, CA, United States

May 9-11, 2025: Join us for three days of magic at the New Living Expo in San Rafael, CA. We'll be speaking at the show on the Rise of the Feminine with Mary Magdalene, doing book signing for Magdalene's Journey and profiling our Magdalene Collection jewelry line. We will also be doing sessions at the booth and speaking at our book at set times throughout each day. Stop by our booth and come to our talk. We hope to see you in Marin.

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