Blue Soul Retreat in Northern California

Sonoma, CA Sonoma, CA, United States

May 2024: Join us for an extraordinary, outer-worldly experience with meditations, ritual and ceremony in nature, live channeling, guided meditations, chanting, sound healing, biofield attunements, energy body activations, dining under the stars, wine tasting and more. Email us for more info at bluesoulearth dot com or to register and save your spot. We will sell out on this one.


Blue Soul Retreat to Ashland Oregon

Ashland, OR Ashland, OR, United States

July 25-28 2024: Join us for an extraordinary, outer-worldly experience with meditations, ritual and ceremony in nature, live channeling, biofield attunements, a deep Darshan Oneness Experience, chakra/energy body activations, activities, outings in nature and much more.  Email us at info at bluesoulearth dot com for an information package, which includes details, pricing and how to register. We expect to fill up on this one, so be sure to secure your spot soon.

Blue Soul Retreat to France with Mary Magdalene

Southern France , France

Early Summer 2025: Embark on a transformative journey you won't forget with us as we head to southern France and retrace the steps of Mary Magdalene when she lived in Gaul over two thousand years ago. Exact dates and cost hasn't been finalized yet -- visit our Blue Soul Retreats page and email us for an information package at info at bluesoulearth dot com.

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