We recently attended a Lightworker Bootcamp in Marin. If you haven’t been to one before, think of it as a combination of a workshop for lightworkers with both healing and learning. This Lightworker Bootcamp was hosted by Maria and Duane of SacredFuture.org at the Harmonia Wellness Center in Sausalito, CA. Sound healer Suzanne Renee Smith wove in sacred sounds throughout the day, using a combination of crystal bowls, chimes, voice and shamanic drums.

SacredFuture Lightworker Bootcamp

The SacredFuture Lightworker Bootcamp focused on four things: replenishment through receiving spiritual healing, recalibration through sound baths, inspired integration and lastly, resources through a strong heart-full community.

lightworker bootcamp

Maria channels light beings for guidance in their workshop which they both refer to as their “Higher Dimensional Helpers.” She says, “we need to focus on awakening and remembering. It’s time to unthaw the heart and all else which has been hidden.”

And so, we started from this place. Awareness is ultimately the first step to any awakening process. While it was clear that the majority of the attendees have been on a spiritual path for awhile and have already started that awakening process (some have been on a spiritual journey for more than two decades), igniting that flame in all of us is a good thing to do regardless of where you are on your journey.

lightworker bootcamp
Maria Christina Owl

Higher Dimensional Helpers or whatever you call your own spiritual “team” are here to serve us, each invested in our (and our planet’s) health and harmony.

According to Maria and Duane’s spiritual helpers, “they see us losing life force and tend to us by removing mental and emotional blocks in our energy fields. They clear us, seal rips and holes in our auras and wash our chakras with light.”

During the lightworker bootcamp, attendees could feel little shifts, movements or touches upon their body. (the degree of which they could feel these shifts largely depends on how sensitive and/or open to Spirit they are).

Ancient wisdom all agrees that emotional “stuckness” and physical “ailments” are connected. In other words, disease begins as stuck emotional patterns such as resentment, guilt, shame and hatred and like we have written about before, when not attended to carefully and respectfully, can lead to disease down the road.

Through the work they do at the lightworker bootcamp (and other workshops), they work with their higher dimensional helps to shift these density patterns through clearing, self-love and forgiveness. As the body receives energy work, your mind can shift too. The idea is that both the body and the mind can re-calibrate and then ENGAGE with new healthy patterns, which are not locked-in with emotional pain anymore.

“Spiritual Healing on our Spiritual Bodies, Heals our Physical Body.”

Let’s face it: we have become out of alignment with what’s natural for us, especially in the western world — the earth, the soil beneath us, the air we breathe. We lock ourselves in offices and cement buildings where many of us work behind brightly lit computer monitors, breathing in artificial air all day long and often without healthy breaks for US.

We forget what a bird’s chirp sounds like. We forget what an echo of a tree swaying in the wind sounds like. We forget (or some of us may have never experienced) how incredible it feels to have the salty water of the sea splash up against our cheeks.

Spiritual Healing

The spiritual realm (this is our experience with our work too) hopes to get us back into alignment with the natural elements around us — in other words, back into connection with what many refer to as Universal Harmonics. This is one of the reasons we believe so wholeheartedly in the power of sound healing.

Lightworker bootcamp
Suzanne Renee Smith working her magic with sound at the Lightworker Bootcamp in Marin

Our natural state is when those harmonics exist in healthy unison and harmony if you will: inside and out. When we are in complete balance, we can begin to be the artists of our lives — we can paint our own canvas, not someone else. Rather than having life happen TO us, AT us and AROUND us, we can be active creators of who and what we want to be.

During the lightworker bootcamp, they honored the spiritual helpers who came in to assist with healing, lifting and balancing, from dolphins, ancient wisdom masters, to the Star Temple, Sirians, Arcturians, Pleiadians and others.

Another piece of the day was atonement — toning of our chakras, starting with our root chakra of course. This isn’t a new thing — for any of you who have done spiritual work in the past know, there’s a chant for each chakra to help clear it and get it spinning in perfect alignment.

And so, it was no surprise to us that this should be an integral part of the process. Certainly it’s something lightworkers are comfortable with and have practiced doing along the way both for themselves and others they serve.

When Maria began to channel, the Council of 50 came through to speak. The Council of 50 is the name they gave themselves and said they were “here” for our evolutionary journey. This spiritual council bathed us in gold, showered us with roses and brought diamond crystals around us.

“They” worked on both grounding and opening through bringing in Gaia energy as well as the Indigo Ray through the Crystalline Temple. (this was “beamed” into our third eye to help us open more).

lightworker bootcamp
Maria & Duane leading the Lightworker Bootcamp at Harmonia in Marin

For those of you new to this language, consider it a washing of love and light from higher dimensions as a way for us to see more clearly and better understand information and a way of being that exists in other realms far beyond the third dimension (Earth).

So who exactly is the Council of 50? They say that they are a living network of consciousness from different star systems and solar systems near to our own Milky Way galaxy.

Now, this information may be hard for some to hear, particularly if your spiritual journey to-date has involved meditation and/or only connecting to Celestial Light and energy, which is our primary connection point as well.

That said, not acknowledging that we are not alone is the first step to realizing (and no longer fearing) realms beyond what we can see, hear and feel in our physical bodies in this dimension. There are other dimensions (science even knows this) and getting assistance from higher light beings who have the ability to help isn’t counter to any spiritual belief system. This is the essence of it — nothing less, nothing more.

Although it does get more complex than that once you expand your learning and knowledge, the most important thing for this process (when doing spiritual healing or a lightworker bootcamp of this nature) is to be open. Be open to learning something beyond what we have been taught in a church, a synagogue, a temple, a cathedral, a yoga studio….you get the idea.

Sound Bath Recalibration

At the lightworker bootcamp, they used vocal toning, singing, as well as Tibetan Bowls, gongs, flute and chimes. The idea is to have these “sound vibrations help to quiet our mind chatter and shift our brainwaves into receptivity.”  Personally, I find it a loving and empowering experience.

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Through this Council of 50, our vibration was shifted during this process, through a combination of healing and sound.


The integration piece is not an isolated thing that happens at the lightworker bootcamp. A lot of the healing (and shifting) which is done continues to work long after you leave. Says Maria and Duane, “people should begin to feel a deeper capacity to love and nostalgia for a vaster, more spacious mind-heart space.”

That said, it’s energy work and as all energy and light workers know, you want to be “kind” to your body afterwards and honor whatever stuff comes up for you! (emotional, preferences, moods, interests in particular foods and not others, extra energy or none at all) 

Lightworker bootcamp
An exercise that we did with a partner during the Lightworker Bootcamp in the afternoon

The Council of 50 apparently works within all spectrums of light (all 12 rays) and each of those rays are used for healing.

Light Beings came in to clean, cleanse and re-align, including etheric imprints that we have, etheric density patterns and lower vibrational energies which keep us “stuck” or locked. Essentially, a portal was opened up for divine love to come forth and clear fear and uncertainty from our auric fields and beyond. Fear is often the largest force which holds us back from living our whole selves.

lightworker bootcamp
Duane & Maria during the Lightworker Bootcamp

Resourcing Community

Their Lightworker Bootcamp was designed as a hub for those who are interested in accelerating their own consciousness and promoting it overall.  And so, like all spiritual process, community is important and they acknowledge this as an integral and important part of the journey.

We met some incredible people at the event and everyone was supportive, loving and there for each other. Remember, that we are all on our own journey and at our own pace, so supporting each other’s process what we can do for ourselves (and for one another). This is what makes a spiritual community so strong, empowering and supportive.

lightworker bootcamp

They also throw other events, workshops and do healings so you can learn more about their work and world over on their website – SacredFuture.org.  Also be sure to visit our Spiritual Events section for more great inspiration.

lightworker bootcamp
Maria Christina Owl, MA, CCHT & Duane Michael, OSRT on-site at Harmonia

Below is a very short video that captured some of the essence of the event.


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