Discover Presence & Compassion for Self with Pema Chödrön
What if the source of your greatest pain was also the source of your greatest possibility? It’s a great question to contemplate after the tough year we have all had […]
Winter Reads for Enlightenment
It’s time for our latest book finds for the winter season. As we all go inward now and reflect on the year past, it’s a great time for some metaphysical […]
Blue Soul Earth’s 2020 Holiday Gift Guide
It’s been a rough year for all of us as we plough through uncertainty together with Covid affecting the planet. As we go inward more and more reflecting on the […]
Vergeet Niet Wie Je Bent
Eerst wil ik al de leden van Blue Soul Earth bedanken, en ook onze nieuwe leden verwelkomen in onze spirituele familie. Zonder jullie zou niets van het spirituele werk en […]
Vivons-nous dans les Temps Sombres ou est-ce Une Perception?
Beaucoup de gens ont fait référence à cette saison à venir comme “Les Temps Sombres” qui est encore à venir. N’oublions pas qu’il y a toujours un arc-en-ciel potentiel dans […]
Rappellez-Vous Qui vous êtes
Je voudrais tout d’abord remercier tous nos membres de Blue Soul Earth et souhaiter la bienvenue à tous nos nouveaux membres également dans notre famille spirituelle. Sans aucun de vous, […]
Are We Living in Dark Times or is it a Perception?
Many people have been referring to this upcoming season as “Dark Times” that is yet to come. Let’s remember that there’s always a potential rainbow in every dark and menacing […]
Losing One’s Way to Outside Influences
First of all, I want to thank everyone who is in our community for without any of you, none of the spiritual work and channeling that Renee and I do […]
New Living Expo Goes Virtual This Year
We love the New Living Expo in the San Francisco Bay Area and are a proud media partner every year. Why do we keep returning? Because it brings together holistic […]