Winter Solstice at The Center SF

///Winter Solstice at The Center SF

Winter Solstice at The Center SF

If we weren’t in the middle of a major move, we likely would have had a Blue Soul Circle around the Winter Solstice as we embark on a new season and soon, a new year. Winter Solstice has been celebrated in cultures the world over for thousands of years. This start of the solar year is a celebration of Light and the rebirth of the Sun. In old Europe, it was known as Yule, from the Norse, Jul, meaning wheel. We headed to The Center SF for their Winter Solstice event on Thursday evening, December 20, which combined live music, tea sipping, dance and an intention ritual all under one roof for three hours.

Winter Solstice at the Center SF

Credit: The Center SF

While we aren’t “regulars” at the Center SF, we go to events there occasionally and have also participated as practitioners in their Holistic Health Saloon, held there three times a year. They tout themselves as an anchor of transformation in The Bay of swirling change, honoring the old and welcome the new and turning their best practices into ritual.  I thought I’d share a lovely poem or rather prayer that was posted on the @loveandlight_reiki Instagram feed who we follow.


The Child of Promise, the Sun is reborn,

Bringing hope into the Darkness of the forlorn

Death has been and left its mark,

With winter’s bleakness, cold and stark.

The tides of Darkness turn,

We know the days will now grow long. The Holly and mistletoe adorn the fir tree,

Symbolizing life, friendship and festivity.

Gifts strengthen the bonds of love,

As the Sun starts to grow in the sky above.

We look towards the promise of Spring,

And make our plans for New Year to bring.

With joy in our hearts as the old year departs.

From @loveandleight_reiki (Instagram)

The Center SF Winter Solstice

Taken at The Center SF during the ecstatic dance ritual

Below are some shots taken during our time there Thursday evening — we particularly loved the storytelling, community gathering around music and live guitar strumming. Happy Winter Solstice all!

By |2018-12-21T20:53:38+00:00December 21st, 2018|Spiritual Events|Comments Off on Winter Solstice at The Center SF

About the Author:

Renee Blodgett is the co-founder of Blue Soul Earth, Blue Soul Circles and Blue Soul Travel. She leads Blue Soul Circles with her twin flame Anthony Compagnone to bring the Spiritual Realm’s wisdom and messages to those on their life path. She is passionate about igniting global consciousness, helping those on their life path and awakening others to their true potential. Most at home in nature, with gemstones and crystals and with her Canon 7D on her arm, she is an avid traveler, writer and photographer. Renee’s 25 years of marketing and communications as founder of Magic Sauce Media are now directed to helping individuals and consciousness-based businesses who lead with purpose and heart. Renee is also founder of We Blog the World, an online magazine dedicated to Transformative Travel. She has been ranked as a top digital media influencer by both Forbes & the United Nations, has published five photo books and is also co-curator of TEDxBerkeley, one of the largest TEDx events in the country.