During the Renaissance, the nature and freedom-loving Druids, Celts and other people “of the earth” honored their ancestors. They honored the seasons and with each season, a renewal of something, whether it was harvest (fall), a time to go inward (winter), a time to create (spring) or a time to play and frolic (summer).

We often retreat in winter to reflect upon what we reaped from the previous year. It’s also a time to deepen our relationship with ourselves. A time to innately know again, so we can find stillness and clarity in the chaos around us. It’s also the time before spring and new awakenings . . . before we plant new seeds . . . before we splash paint on the blank canvas of the next chapter of our lives.

A new chapter of your life is about to begin. Are you ready for it?

Manifestation starts with planting a seed. The seed that will grow into a garden of vitality and color. The seed that will turn a blank canvas into messages, meaning and purpose. All of these seeds have a reverberating effect on others in your wake even if you don’t always realize it.

What’s the seed you want to plant in 2024? How will you include others in your plan so they also benefit from your gifts?

The world around you will mirror your efforts along the way starting with the first decision . . . the first seed you plant this year. Make it one that ignites and amplifies peace, love and unity, one that leaves powerful ripples into this awe-inspiring, mystifying and miraculous universe of ours.

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