We love the TransTech Conference, held every fall in the San Francisco Bay Area. See our coverage of this pivotal event from last year, which also has a great video which summarizes the experience.

TransTech is essentially short for Transformative Technologies, which are medically and scientifically validated technologies that support mental health, well-being and thriving. They hold a few different gatherings a year and offer a four month immersive course — their initiatives and efforts are all about connecting and inspiring a global community in order to stimulate the development of scalable transformative technologies.

Dr. Jeffery A. Martin & Nichol Bradford on stage on Day 2.

Behind TransTech is Nichol Bradford and Dr. Jeffery A. Martin.

Nichol, who has always been interested in how technology can help individuals expand beyond their perceived limits to develop and transform themselves to the highest level is the CEO of the Willow Group which is focused on employing rigorous scientific research to develop training protocols, hardware and software that can produce a reliable and positive change in the human experience.

Jeffery is a social scientist who researches personal transformation and the states of greatest human well-being. He has been working to catalyze the space by bringing together makers, scientists and other researchers, engineers, entrepreneurs, companies, educational institutions, non-profits and NGO’s, public policy experts, and investors and is a co-founder of the first academic lab dedicated to TransTech.

The nexus point for Transformative Technology for the academic, industry, and public sectors. And, the Lab supports basic research, community and provides resources for entrepreneurs.  

Enter TransTech 2018

The event targets executives, entrepreneurs, investors, designers, engineers, scientists and students and serves as a great place to get a global snapshot on the trends, tech, companies, and scientific advances that are the driving force in moving human flourishing forward. They shared the most advanced research from the people who are pioneering it and on-site, there are experiential activities as well as insightful talks on the main stage.

Over the last several years, there have been major advances in science and technology that reveal even more of the human mind, body, and how it can interface to broader society and the world in ways that help all of us to thrive. That said, we have seen examples of where technology can have less desirable consequences on the social fabric and human connection. Here, the dialogue is on building technology that truly supports human flourishing and exponential well-being.

MindBalance offered complimentary NeurOptimal sessions which aim to improve mental clarity, focus, concentration, and sleep. NeurOptimal is a cutting edge neurofeedback system, a safe, natural brain training system that allows your brain to regulate itself more efficiently.    
Spire’s Co-Founder and CEO Jonathan Palley talked about RPM and Reimbursement for TransTech Devices on the main stage. 
TransTech Smile Mirror
Inspired by the life and work of Patch Adams, Berk Ilhan created and showed Smile Mirror on-site at TransTech this year. His passion is creating products which give joy. Learning from the numerous studies and research on Positive Psychology, and specifically that smiling elevates your mood and reduces stress, this interactive mirror encourages people to connect and engage with their reflections, as they are smiling. Smile Mirror is an emotionally smart mirror that is unlocked with the power of a smile. 
TRIPP was on-site doing demos. They see themselves as mood architects’ first and foremost, combining game making with emerging mindfulness research to deliver software capable of affecting you in deeply positive, and highly targeted ways that take you well beyond “fun.” 

Speaker Inspiration & Innovation at TransTech

Dr. Juan Acosta-Urquidi, Ph.D. and Renee Blodgett
People look onto the main stage at the closing ceremony

Some of the speakers included Dr. Bashar Badran, Founder of Bodhi NeuroTech and Chief Scientist of Singularity.net Dr. Ben Goertzel, who is using distributed AI and Blockchain for TransTech.

They also had Dr. Deborah Rozman, CEO of HeartMath and Dr. Poppy Crum, Chief Chief Scientist at Dolby Laboratories.

We also heard from co-founder and CEO of High Fidelity’s Philip Rosedale who does AR/VR and the Social Emotional Connection.

Also, we learned from Dr. Pablo Paredes who is working on Human Computer Interaction with a focus on Behavior Change, Oura Ring’s Harpreet Singh Rai who is working on wearables for sleep and psychological well-being, Joe Hudson, of One Earth Capital and Consciousness Hacking founder Mikey Siegel.

There was also sound and music designer Laura Inserra who is working on tech powered acoustic sound installations, Geoff Graber of Evolution, Scott Nelson of Human Data Commons and Maya Zuckerman of IEEE.

Our friend Sarah Cruse who is a mindfulness educator and musician was also there as was Gyatso Rinpoche of Compassionate Love Fundation (Ci’ai Jijin), as well as Motivo’s Rachel McCrickard Amber SoulFie, a Planetary Harmonics Architect & Engineer among many more designers, technologists, investors and creators.

Additionally, there were break-out sessions led covering various topics in the main room as well as experiential activities at booths as well.

Breakout sessions TransTech
Break-out sessions above and below.

Observing and experiencing the powerful energy of a fossilized stromatolite from Western Australia, known to provide records and information of the oldest known life on Earth which Dr. Bruce Damer brought to the conference. Lichen stromatolites are billions of years old formed above water, where rock meets air, by repeated colonization of the rock by endolithic lichens.

They even had music with a digital edge. If you want to be at the crossroads and leading edge of where tech meets consciousness and humanity, TransTech is a must attend.

Provocative Composer & Performing Artist Christen Lien, took attendees on a Tech Infused Sound Journey in the main room.

The end of the conference, they did a recap in what they call a closing circle, a tradition they do every year.





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