We have come across three great new reads for this Spring, all of which touch on very different aspects of our spiritual journeys. We explore the Shaman’s call but unlike previous books we’ve covered on Shamanism, this one focuses entirely on power animals. We also dive deeper in herbs — if you’ve been reading us for awhile, you know that we’re huge fans of the power of herbs and how using them regularly can be comforting, invigorating and healing.
The handbook we include here combines over 20 years of clinical and teaching experience from the world of herbal medicine. Lastly, we explore the Galactic world in a fascinating and riveting book about the re-integration of what author Celestine Star calls the Earth Kin and the Star Kin. She asserts that we’re more like distant cousins who have been separated for thousands of years. She walks you through the history of Earth and other planetary systems as never told in quite this way before. Enjoy!
The Shaman’s Guide to Power Animals
The Shaman’s Guide to Power Animals is a cross-cultural journey into the mystical symbolism and stories of almost 200 birds, fish, insects, and mammals drawn from ancient and indigenous cultures worldwide. Think of it as a spiritual tool for understanding omens when an animal crosses your path or appears in a dream. For those of you who believe in spirit animals know, animals represent powerful symbols which can help us on our awakening and spiritual growth.
These animal images are beyond just images — they represent symbols that you can apply in your day to day life situations, where perhaps you need courage, protection or want to chart a course or locate resources. Incorporating channeled messages from the Power Animals, this fascinating book with diagrams and images explains:
- What Power Animals are and how to identify yours.
- Rituals, prayers, and affirmations you can use to ask a Power Animal for its help.
- Archetypal powers associated with different Power Animals and ways to activate them.
- How a Power Animal can act as your go-between to the spirit world to communicate with the dead and ancestral spirits or help you to recruit a multidimensional support team.
- Why you never need feel alone once you know you belong to the kinship of nature.
- Crystals, colors, and physical energy centers that correspond to each Power Animal.
You’ll learn the powers of each animal, what they represent and what you can learn from them. If you consider that Power Animals have served humanity as our spiritual protectors, teachers, messengers, companions, and helpers since our prehistoric ancestors walked the Earth, you’ll begin to understand why and how to use them in your lives.
Early on, shamans relied heavily on their wisdom, healing medicine, and partnership. Whether in the mystery schools of ancient Egypt and Greece or in the ceremonial and folk traditions of Native America, Africa, and Europe, it is recognized that the embodiment of animal characteristics, the revelation of their symbolism, and their timely appearance can bring us deeper insights and empowerment. You can get this great read over on Amazon.
The Galactic Earth Council: Reintegration of Earth Kin and Star Kin

The book explores the deeper mysteries of Earth’s “Galactic Awakening” and how a catastrophic environmental disaster (the BP Oil Spill which is covered in the book) allowed one of the first groupings of humans to interact with cosmic Star Kin ancestors. Whether you’re a believer in “star kin” and Galactic Light Beings or not, this book is sure to open your mind to the possibility that not only do these benevolent beings exist, but perhaps here to assist is on our way into a greater awareness and consciousness.

These ultraterrestrial Star Kin have messages for their Earth Kin “cousins if you like,” as a soft way to slowly connect with us, so we can learn step by step, experience after experience, that there’s assistance here, nothing to be feared and that love is the driving force and power that connects us all.
Also included are comments and stories from Galactic Earth Council members as well as pages of colorful photographic archives of the Galactic Earth Council and the Galactics.
Fascinating to read and view the photos, you’ll see images of outer-worldly lights in the sky, altars and other cloud and sky phenomena from the starships who have connected with this council.
One of the members writes, “the Galactic Movement of the Human is the “Taller Order” of the Human Consciousness. It is not transhuman or artificial intelligence per se, but an extension of the Cosmic Law Consciousness.”
The Sensory Herbal Handbook
New out from the Seed Sistas, this super handy sensory herbal handbook distills over 20 years of clinical and teaching experience into an easy-to-use comprehensive system of herbal medicine. We love using natural herbs on a regular basis, whether it be for basic ailments and healing or for cooking in the most ancient of ways. Using this book, you can take charge of your own well-being by reconnecting to the local plants wherever you may be living, as well as with the land, the elements and the seasons.
This is a great addition to any book collection, whether you’re simply a nature lover, a healer yourself or subscribe to using whatever resources we have available from the Earth for cooking and healing. The handbook is a useful resource whether you are new to the ways of herbs or have been a practicing herbalist for years.
Sensory Herbalism combines traditional herbal knowledge with an understanding of how the elements (water, fire, air, earth and spirit) and the ever-changing seasons interact with the human body. Their approach blends science, medicine, creativity, ritual, magic and fun into practical, easy-to-use tools that guide readers in developing their own relationship with plants.
What else is fun about the book is that it is illustrated with 140 beautiful graphic images — art, photos and diagrams. You are walked through the five tools of Sensory Herbalism: observation through the senses, intuition, interpretation, characterization and the poetic creation of plant dreams. You will also learn bout the plants based on each season and how to use them cyclically throughout the year. You’ll learn recipes and healing rituals as well!
You can grab this newly released book over on Amazon.