We recently fell upon Light of the Spirit Press which offers a variety of spiritual and esoteric books on consciousness, karma, dharma, meditation and others. For example, their “Dharma for Awakening” series (practical commentaries on the world’s scriptures) and books on how to meditate provide great overviews and practical tips.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is said to be the most authoritative text on Yoga as a practice. It is also known as the Yoga Darshana because it is the fundamental text of Yoga as a philosophy (though practice is discussed), one of the six orthodox systems (darshanas) of Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Religion.
There is no need to have “faith” in these texts, for their statements can be verified by any reader, as has been done over thousands of years by countless yogis in India. Many are living according to the principles that all sentient beings are destined to attain liberation–union with divinity–since they are eternal parts of the Supreme Spirit, the Purushottama. It’s a fascinating read.
In “Yoga: Science of the Absolute”, Abbot George Burke draws on the age-long tradition regarding this essential text, including the commentaries of Vyasa and Shankara, the most highly regarded writers on Indian philosophy and practice, as well as I. K. Taimni and other authoritative commentators, and adds his own ideas based on half a century of study and practice.
There are many titles to choose from within their collection of offerings.
Although we clearly didn’t read all of them, my favorite was Soham Yoga, largely because language and resonance fascinates me and intoning the word Soham with your breath. Our friend Kristen likened it to the Sohang chant/intonation in Kundalini yoga — not that it is the same thing of course, but moreso the analogy that different forms of yoga have intonations that bring you into the present moment with your breath and spiritual self.
As pointed out in Soham Yoga, meditation is the process of centering our awareness in the principle of pure consciousness which is our essential being. In this way, we will never lose sight of our real identity.
Insights from the book include all the various ways that Soham can work to bring us to enlightenment.
“Rather than disperse our consciousness through objects that draw us outward, away from the source of our being, we can take an object that will have the opposite effect, present it to the mind, and reverse our consciousness.”
The book asserts that by “sitting with closed eyes and letting the mind become easefully absorbed in experiencing the inner mental repetitions of Soham, we thereby directly enter into the state of consciousness that is Soham, the state of consciousness that is both Brahman the Absolute and our Self.”
Check out their website for more information and how to order any of their riveting spiritual reads.
NOTE: we do receive products and books in from publishing houses, however all opinions expressed are entirely our own.