4 Week Long LIVE Online Course:
Learn How to Connect to Your Spirit Guides: $55.55

When you register for How to Connect to Your Spirit Guides
  • Live Channeling & Teaching (Four Weekly 90 Minute Classes via Zoom)
  • Interactive Dialogue directly with the Ascended Masters we channel
  • Ancient Wisdom Teachings
  • Exercises Between Classes
  • Energy Healing & Chakra Balancing!

Who is this Course for?

  • This Study with Spirit™ course is designed for anyone who is interested in opening the doorway of communication and enhancing their intuitive abilities. There are absolutely no pre-requisites required to do this course and you do not need to have any intuitive or spiritual gifts. You just need to have an open mind and even more helpful, an open heart.
  • One of the things that makes this course so unique is the ability to have direct contact with the “Guides” that Study with Spirit™ teachers and healers Renee & Anthony channel.
  • This powerful online course will not only help you connect to your guides & learn how to use them to assist you on your path, but it may just change the way you see the world and your role in it.
  • In this course, we will explore how to connect with your Spirit Guides and how to invite them into your life in a way that will not only ignite & enhance your intuitive gifts, but bring you more peace, a sense of gratitude and a way of living and being.
  • When you connect to your own Spirit Guides, there is a constant feeling of comfort, reassurance and connectivity that will drastically alter the way in which you live your life.
  • Regardless of your belief system, you’ll benefit from this course — there’s no religious dogma in anything we do. 

Beyond This Dimension!

Are there really ‘spirits’ in other dimensions we can’t physically see or hear? Awareness of “spirits” and “energy fields” has been around for thousands of years and is used as part of Eastern Medicine & Healing with much success. In the west, we’ve come to recognize the power of these “hidden forces” and traditional doctors are even starting to incorporate modalities they once rejected, such as cranial sacral, acupuncture, reiki and even sound healing.

Indigenous elders across the world have always tapped into spirit guides and energies to learn, connect, observe and heal and, still do today.

What about hearing and seeing beyond this dimension? This is also far from new. Mystics and healers haven’t been the only ones to embrace these abilities either. Governments have heavily invested in remote viewing and telepathy which were used in political situations and war with success.

Regardless of whether you’re someone who needs scientific proof to believe in something universally present beyond the human body, most of us have had experiences which give us reason to question our traditional conditioning, learning and belief systems often created by some form of dogma or worse, fear.

The truth is that Science and Spirituality are coming closer together every day and even renowned teachers and visionaries are speaking about non-duality, quantum realities and unseen energies at major events.

Your Study with Spirit™ Teachers

Your teachers for the Study with Spirit™ courses come from both the human plane and other dimensions.  

As a couple, we act as vessels to collectively bring forth higher dimension ‘beings’ to teach and heal through us. We keep things simple and refer to them as our “Spirit Team.” We realize that many others who channel have names for their guide(s), however we have come to understand that there are so many so called “guides” who come through that one unified name doesn’t quite cut it.  

“They” best describe themselves as a group of Ascended Masters, guides and celestial beings from many dimensions who speak as a collective voice. Mary Magdalene and Jeshua are part of this “spiritual team” however others include energies like Kuan Yin, Metatron, Buddha, Mohammed, Isis, St. Germaine and many others.

Perhaps the word “Continuum” can best describe them, as they make up a “continuum” of energies, some of which are higher dimensional beings and some of which are “Spirit.”

“They” also convey that we are all connected and not separate: we are part of the whole which one might call Universal Consciousness.

Call them what you may – guardians, elementals, spirits, ancestors, helpers, or angels, or cosmic forces for good – the combined energies of all show up for both teaching and healing, without religious dogma or structured belief systems.

We tap into those hidden and inner worlds that shamans and spiritual masters so often speak of and innately know – it is in this world of “Spirit” or “Higher Dimensions and Realms” where ancient knowledge and healing often takes place, working through the body which merely acts as a vessel for what appears to be transcendent to our human senses.

We are bringing this teaching to others around the world via weekly ZOOM calls so you can experience and learn the ancient wisdom that comes through us in a grounded and yet loving and deeply moving way.


Here is a rough outline of what we will cover in each class.  

Week One: 

  • What are Spirit Guides?
  • What’s their purpose?
  • Where do they exist and how are they ‘connected’ to you?
  • Daily gratitude & why this is a critical part of connection
  • Renee & Anthony will channel the Ascended Masters & their “Spirit Guides” to answer questions about points covered.
  • Energy Healing: Spirit Guides will shift vibrational energies of the group to a higher frequency.

 Week Two:

  • Intention & Purpose: why do you want to connect?
  • Getting clear about your intention, your whys & expectations.
  • How to raise your vibration & frequency so you can connect easier.
  • Identifying tools, modalities and activities to connect.
  • What symbols do you most connect to and why?
  • Renee & Anthony will channel the Ascended Masters & their “Spirit Guides” to answer questions about points covered.
  • Energy Healing: Spirit Guides will shift vibrational energies of the group to a higher frequency.

  Week Three:

  • What gifts do you have: Understanding the Clairs!
  • Dream States & how to use them!
  • How to Ignite & Strengthen Your Intuitive Abilities.
  • Combining Gratitude, Your Clair Gifts & Intuitive Abilities to connect.
  • Understanding how your Spirit Guides communicate & how to make it work for you.
  • Renee & Anthony will channel the Ascended Masters & their “Spirit Guides” to answer questions about points covered.
  • Energy Healing: Spirit Guides will shift vibrational energies of the group to a higher frequency.

  Week Four:

  • How to know when they’re around & learn from the signs they leave.
  • Learn how to be direct when asking for guidance.
  • Understanding various essences & energies: Goddesses, Angels, Nature Spirits, Elementals, Ascended Masters, Teachers, Water Beings, etc.
  • Renee & Anthony will channel the Ascended Masters & their “Spirit Guides” to answer questions about points covered.
  • Energy Healing: Spirit Guides will shift vibrational energies of the group to a higher frequency.

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