Join us at the Virtual New Living Expo on Saturday, October 9, 2021 at 2:00 pm PST, where we’ll be giving an hour talk on Understanding the Quantum Soul which will include full embodied channeling. They’ll be live streaming it but if you want full participation (which is free or by donation), you can register here to be part of the Zoom experience.

The line-up is amazing! Check out the speakers and schedule for both October 9 and 10 as the talks run across the entire weekend. All times are PST.

October 9, 2021 Speaker Line-Up (we’re on at 2 pm) 

  • 11:00 am: Robert Perala: Extraterrestrials & The Nature of Existence
  • 12:30 pm: Kimberly Meredith: Medical Mediumship Readings with Divine Healings
  • 2:00 pm: Renee Blodgett & Anthony Compagnone of Blue Soul Earth: Understanding Your Quantum Soul: A Live Channeling Experience
  • 3:30 pm: Lisa Barnett: Quantum Healing Thru The Akashic Records

October 10, 2021 Speaker Line-Up   

  • 11:00 am: Andrew Collins: The True Ancient Aliens
  • 12:30 pm: Zadok Ra Osiris: Tesla, ET Technology and Epoch Lasers Healing Light in Every Home
  • 2:00 pm: Laura Eisenhower: Gateway to Ascension & Galactic Zodiac
  • 3:30 pm: John Gray (special guest): Men are from Mars/Women are from Venus
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