At the end of January, we held our first Blue Soul Circle in SoHo, which was also the first in Manhattan. We were also there for the New York Times Travel Show, where we presented in the Meet-the-Experts pavilion on Spiritual Travel. (see more about it here) In fact, it was our first Blue Soul Circle in NYC and we couldn’t have done it without the help of our friend Andrew Kippen who invited his posse and a ton of them showed up.

As always, we never know what our Spirit Team has in store for those participating. When a message comes through that doesn’t make sense to us, we are learning to trust in the process even when it feels or sounds sensitive or even “off color” at times.

Although the message or healing may not always resonate with us even if it’s a pattern or emotional blockage we have seen before, Spirit works with what the vessel has at their disposal (aka medium or healer, both in our case) and with the knowledge they have about the Soul they are working with.

One woman asked if a chord should be cut to an ex and Spirit responded that many needed to be cut, then proceeded to ask her for permission at a Soul Level and proceeded. It was powerful as Spirit worked through both of us to re-wire and re-calibrate her energy grid. Blockages were removed & divine love given!

A resistant soul learned to let go in a way we didn’t expect & the release not only took the ego down the notch but filled the soul with a memory of its divine purpose in this lifetime, through love & compassion. Sometimes humor or a surprise the soul doesn’t expect is used to let more light come in during “their” work. Always profound & always unique in their approach which is mysterious to us at times especially when we only view the healing work with our human minds and perspective.

Surrendering often brings us the answers & healing we most seek. We hope to hold more circles on the East Coast, LA & take them to Europe as well, so if you think you can help us bring one together in your region, please let us know. Let’s chat!

Here are a few photos from the event.


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