I recently had an opportunity to experience the work of Linda McCallum, who currently hails from the Los Angeles area but works with clients around the globe. Her work centers around something she calls Personal Alchemy but her gifts go much deeper and in a myriad of fascinating directions.

Behind the Scenes with Laura McCallum

Before I had a session with Linda McCallum, I had very little knowledge about the way she worked and her unique gifts. She says that her insights over a forty year career allow her to “tune into your Spirit and Soul for guidance, insight and direction.”

How does she do this exactly and what’s her style of working with clients?

In a session with her, you may explore Akashic Record (Soul) interpretations, which reveal themes of your repetitive choices and patterns of behavior that you have carried forward and are now ready to understand and  forgive, to claim your wisdom for personal freedom.

But, it may not be Akashic Records which paves the way — each case is individual and customized depending on where you are in your life’s path and where you need the most guidance and help.

She asserts that her spiritual interpretations do not take away the challenges you have experienced, nor insist that she knows for you. That said, Linda says that your challenges may provide the portal for your own personal profound enlightenment!

“It is through this understanding and compassion, that you may experience a new whisper of freedom and joy, gained from re-framing some of the beliefs you hold for your transformation and wisdom.”

She considers her counsel, coaching and work intuitive, at a level that goes deep into her inner knowing and being, which has only strengthened over four decades.

You see, her career started off as an Astrologer, where she spent almost 20 years with clients primarily from the Entertainment Industry. Forward wind the clock and she now assists people from around the globe and it goes much deeper than an astrological look at your past, present and future.

A Personal Experience with Linda McCallum

Like most practitioners and light workers, you can work with them via Skype or phone so don’t need to be physically present in order to reep the benefits of their work. Linda McCallum also works remotely however, she happened to be in the San Francisco Bay Area recently and so we met her in person for individual sessions.

She talks about the importance of truly being present with your heart opening, so that you can be ready “to evaluate from a deeper understanding the nature of reality and your power to create it.”

Says Linda, “this Personal Alchemy celebrates a return to the experience of Divine Love and the acceptance of the unlimited consciousness that is our birth right for Freedom.”

A brave soul, she has seen so much in her life, particularly around the imbalance between feminine and masculine energies and how that misalignment has showed up in pain, fear and even disease.   

During my session with her, she started with an assessment of “who I was” based on a download from her connection to the “Other Side”. This included a meditative time to connect with me before we even met.

It included my strengths and weaknesses as well as where my challenges show up in this lifetime at this current stage in my life.

During that assessment, she included my challenges with the outside world (situations, events and people) and her insights on how a more acute awareness of the effect of those interactions would have on my soul’s purpose.

Her observations shed some light on any resistance that was showing up currently (and in the past) and how that resistance has negatively impacted my own journey and potentially any future outcomes if I didn’t clear those blockages now.

Overall, from such shifts and higher awareness, I could accelerate my own spiritual journey and contribution to others at a personal level as well as at a collective level. While it sounds like “traditional therapy,” her work goes far beyond what classic psychologists use.

Personal alchemy is her magic and she pulls lessons and answers in her own spirit guides and connection to the light.

During the course of a session with her, she’ll suggest tips as well as homework on how to move and shift things in your life. She records the session so you can access that information later on for further insights and aha moments if you will.

For more information on Linda, her world and how to work with her, visit her website.


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