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This month’s STUDY WITH SPIRIT topic will focus on the GNOSTIC GOSPELS. They will channel a collective group of spiritual energies which largely make up Ascended Masters from other realms and dimensions.


Gnosticism’s Christian “form if you like” had increased significantly in around 2nd century A.D. These beliefs were not surprisingly denounced as heretical by the Catholic Church. You see, Gnosticism proposed a revealed knowledge of God (“gnosis” meaning “knowledge” in Greek), held as a secret tradition of the apostles.

What would Christianity have become if the Gnostic texts were widely available to everyone? What power would women hold today if Mary Magdalene’s voice (and Gospel) was included in the New Testament?

Gnosticism both embraces and celebrates God as both Mother and Father, depicts a very tender and loving relationship between Jeshua and Mary Magdalene, suggests that the Resurrection is really more symbolic than not and speaks to the gnosis view of truly knowing God through one-self. Part of one-self.


Typically, the in-person Study with Spirit™ teachings involve reading a book before you come. This month’s book is The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels.

It’s a short read — if you don’t finish the book, don’t worry because the teaching in person is what is most profound. If you run out of time, be sure to read the first chapter and the last one.

If you are truly inspired and have the time, you can also pick up another read on the Gnostic Gospels by Alan Jacobs which you can also get on Amazon. (if this sounds too daunting, don’t worry — come for the channeling experience and at least know what the Gnostic Gospels are — you may be very surprised at the many parallels to Paganism)

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