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Finding Calm, Purpose & Inner Wisdom During Uncertain & Turbulent Times. We will channel the Ascended Masters from Higher Dimensions. We’ll bring them forth so people can ask direct questions to the light beings we channel. We will also talk about paving the way for change and tapping into abundance and prosperity during this time as well.

Given that we are in new and unchartered waters, many are feeling confused & bewildered as we are separated from loved ones and concerned about Covid-19’s spread. We will talk about how to not just find that inner calm, purpose and inner wisdom, but how to stay in that vibrational field.

COME ARMED with questions that concern your life: from your relationships, your job (perhaps lack of income at this time), your own self care, spiritual journey or interest in finding a new purpose in your life. You can also ask the Ascended Masters questions about the Coronavirus & Covid-19, self-healing and healing for others, as well as healing for the planet itself.

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