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When you register for the Manifest Abundance & Prosperity STUDY WITH SPIRIT™ course, you will receive FOUR WEEKS of teachings which include live channeling for 90 minutes per week. Each week, you’ll have an interactive dialogue directly with the Ascended Masters we channel.

We will meet via Zoom for four THURSDAYS, from May 7-28, 2020, starting at 5:30 pm PST or 8:30 pm EST. During each class, you can ask the pressing questions you’ve always wanted answered. You’ll also learn ancient wisdom and teachings, as well as experience chakra balancing and energy healing.


Let’s face it — we’ve been living in uncertain times, where our fears, if left unchecked, can sink our moods, decrease our vitality and overall well-being. No doubt, Covid-19 forced us all to slow down, go inward and really think about what truly matters in our lives.

More importantly, it allowed us to re-connect with ourselves and others in a different way, perhaps deeper despite the physical separation during social distancing periods. But, it also brought up worries, increased our anxiety and for many, even led to losing their jobs.

When transitions and crises like this happen, it’s easy to lose hope. The art of manifesting means “unplugging” from the mass consciousness and fear, despite what’s happening in our external worlds. We can change our realities when we shift our thoughts and therefore our consciousness, which is connected to all that there is.


Join us for Manifesting Abundance & Prosperity, a Study with Spirit™ course. You’ve read the books on abundance, said your mantras and feel you understand what you need to do in order to manifest what you truly desire in your life and yet, a block remains. The blockage that most people have is not being energetically in alignment with what the vibration of abundance and prosperity. You could say its a frequency mismatch.

  • Your SOUL Needs to Hear & Feel it.
  • Your HIGHER SELF Needs to Hear & Feel It.
  • UNIVERSAL Consciousness needs to Hear & Feel it.


Anthony is a full embodied medium, so during this Study with Spirit™ course, we will channel Ascended Masters about how to truly manifest. Chakra alignment and clearing will come through as well, as part of the course.

This course is a FOUR WEEK course, that will run on Thursday evenings in May, starting on May 7 at 5:30 pm PST | 8:30 pm EST. Each class will go for 90 minutes, and the month long course will cover:

  • Blockages from Conditioning: identifying what they are & why they’re there
  • Perceived Belief Systems: how to release them.
  • Steps to move Desire to a Living Reality: During Course & Exercises for homework between classes.
  • Intention, Intention, Intention
  • Alignment & Frequency Matching: how to tap into a quantum field & reality rather than a linear one.
  • Connect with Nature to Deepen the Connection

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