Join us for a monthly meeting of hearts for women dedicated to the inner wisdom of Miriam of Magdala, otherwise known as Mary Magdalene who is one of the main guides we channel as a couple at Blue Soul Earth®.  This monthly subscription membership group is called Magdalene’s Sistersfor she had ‘sisters’ when she once walked the earth who she taught and led beside for many years. These same sisters were female apostles that traditional history wrote out who she lived among Yeshua and she wants this truth to be known which will come out in time.

So, if female apostles did exist, why sisters? During a channeling session, her remark about sisters and sisterhood was remarkable. Disciples and apostles come and go but sisters are loyal to the end and this is what we wish to create with this group. Watch the video below to get a sense of why we created this group.

Each month, there will be a channeled message from Magdalene with a topic she wishes to share or related to something that arises from the group itself and perhaps needs healing. We will also share as that’s what sisters do and healing always happens where there’s sharing of the heart from a place of love and contribution. Yeshua and Magdalene are forever teaching us through their channelings that when we heal ourselves, we heal others and when we heal others, we heal ourselves. Magdalene’s teachings and wisdom will be part of our gatherings as will downloads and shares from others.

“We all have the gift of channeling and healing in our own unique ways.”

Rather than replicate another or think that your voice must be heard in a specific way for it to be ‘heard’ or successful, each of us have our own unique gifts to bring to the world and that channeling can be through art, music, dancing, the written word, film, writing code, research, translation, and even perceived non-spiritual skills like finance and law.

Love comes in many forms and how we share it is up to us — do we lead at a soul level from our heart or from the ego?

Show up from your heart and just breathe into it without an outcome. Surrender into the unknowing and the knowing and allow Spirit and your Soul to guide and support you in concert with we hope, the most powerful and loving group of women you will ever come to know.

To join us, there’s a nominal monthly subscription fee and you can cancel at any time after a minimum membership of three months. REGISTER HERE for the monthly membership and we look forward to meeting you soon.

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