Our soon-to-be-launched intimate biography on Mary Magdalene is the story of a couple whose lives are turned upside down after they receive visitations from the souls of Miriam of Magdala (Mary Magdalene) and Yeshua of Nazareth (Jesus). Magdalene’s voice is deeply moving and both clarifies and animates sclerotic, ancient, lifeless dioramas into vibrant, living communities and riveting scenes. This mind-bending dialogue with two of the world’s most misunderstood spiritual masters presents an inner gnosis approach to understanding Source or God/Godde, based on Yeshua’s original teachings.

The evolving tapestry of Christianity has been pruned of female voices that could make the story of one of the world’s most influential religions whole, tactile, human, and gender balanced. Magdalene’s chronicle frees readers from the confines of a masculine view of who she was and how she has been portrayed across history.

An ephemeral guide and companion while narrating her story, Magdalene’s descriptions of daily life, family entanglements, and the political and social complexity of her time, root the reader in a memoir. But it doesn’t stop there. The reader receives astonishingly similar parallels between Miriam and Yeshua’s ancient wisdom to the Cosmos as explained by quantum physics. Through their teachings, Rochelle and Angelo begin to question the very nature of reality itself.

This rich and emotional story may do more than provide a new perspective on a much-filtered and outdated narrative; it may just transform how you process the physical manifestations around you and question whether truth as we have come to know it, actually exists at all.

Interested in hearing about the book, the details and where to purchase once it’s released? It’s slated to be launched this summer (2024). Email us at info at bluesoulearth dot com to find out more and how to order.


Magdalene’s Sisters

For Magdalene fans, be sure to check out Magdalene’s Sisters, our monthly membership program for women, which meets twice a month via Zoom. Recorded replays are available for any sessions you miss, making it ideal for those on other time zones.

You can also watch this video that explains a bit more about the membership. You can sign up for an annual membership or monthly, which is only $22.22 a month. Register here.

Mary Magdalene Retreat to Southern France: Spring 2025

Want to head to southern France with us for a retreat you won’t forget? Join us for this transformative experience to southern France and retrace the steps of Miriam of Magdala from over two thousand years ago. Channeling, heart-opening activities, rituals, ceremonies, sacred site visits, cultural activities, biofield activations and energy transmissions will all be part of this magical experience. Visit our Blue Soul Retreats page for more information and email us at info @ bluesoulearth dot com for a PDF with more details as well as an update on when the dates are announced.



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