T’is “the season” so we decided to publish a Holiday Gift Guide this year, which includes products in the spirituality, wellness and consciousness space as well as some inspiring reads to get you on the right track for 2019. We were sent some products to test out and review, so it is based on first hand experience. There are a few categories we didn’t get in on time, so we’ll be covering them in the Spring. Enjoy!
Golden Lotus Malas
We recently discovered Golden Lotus Malas which has an Etsy store as well as their own website and they were gracious enough to some us some items to review for this guide. While I’m typically not a “red” fan and gravitate to more earth colors than brighter ones, I was drawn to this Carnelian Mala.
This mala features 108 Carnelian gemstones and Tiger Eye interval spacers in the Tibetan style with a brown tassel. For those new to stones, Carnelian grounds and anchors you in the present reality. A high energy, stabilizing stone, Carnelian is excellent for restoring vitality, motivation, and inspiring creativity.
It is also said to promote courage, positive life choices, dispels apathy, and motivates for success in business and other matters. And, tiger’s Eye balances yin-yang and energizes the emotional body, alleviates depression and lifts moods.
One of the many things we love about this creative line is that they offer so many choices of malas and gemstone combos. For example, you can even choose malas based on what you’re trying to create in your life: harmony, creativity, compassion, or love for example.

In addition to malas, they also offer a variety of bracelets as well. We LOVE this line. Visit their Etsy store for more details and how to order.
Chakra Healing Grid by Trikona Creations
We were really drawn to this Chakra Healing Grid by Trikona Creations who has a great shop over on Etsy.
Their chakra healing crystal grids are 12 inches in diameter and have been carefully handcrafted from natural hardwoods. Included with the grid are pyramids in quartz, crystals, lapis lazuli, amethyst, red jasper and aventurine. The chakra grid’s purpose serves to energize and balance the body’s seven chakras through the natural healing properties of the crystals. All items are cleansed and charged with Reiki energy.
It comes in three different finishes: Maple (shown below), Padauk (shown above) and something they refer to as Purple Heart.
The craftsmanship is gorgeous and we feel that it couldn’t make a more perfect holiday gift item. We also love that Trikona Creations donates 10% to a scholarship fund that supports consciousness. Bravo!
Spiritual Reads for the Holidays
The Golden Sequence, a Manual for Reclaiming Our Humanity by Jonni Pollard dives into the core meaning of what it means to be human and how to tap back into our core and be truly fulfilled. The Golden Sequence helps you on your path especially if you are going through a tough transition and feel alone in your everyday stresses.
The Book of Ceremony by Sandra Ingerman is a wonderful book that provides shamanic wisdom and sacred rituals for everyday life. We LOVE this book as it is a basic but profound look at the power of ceremony and how it is a central part of human life and spiritual practice — let’s not lose it the author argues. You can find it over on Amazon.
Light Magic for Dark Times by Lisa Marie Basile and Angels, Spirit Guides & Goddesses by Susan Gregg which we have both in hardback are must haves for your collection if you identify with being a healer or a witch in a past life (that’d be many of you Celtic Goddesses and creative ones). Life Magic for Dark Times provides rituals, spells and practices for coping in a crisis whereas Angels, Spirit Guides & Goddesses is an illustrated guide to 100 celestial helpers who can help provide guidance and how to tap into their power and assistance.
Trans-Scalar Healing by Howard F. Batie (we only just discovered his work so will be diving into his books soon) is a wonderful read on holistic healing for self, others and Gaia. Easy to get over on Amazon, this book takes a beautiful look at how to use an innovative holistic energy healing technique to heal — his book outlines intentional visualization and focused breathwork to access higher states of awareness.
You can find out more about Howard’s work and his other books over on his website, such as The Art of Metaphysical Communication, Spiritual Journeys and others.
Lastly, The Ultimate Guide to Chakras by Athena Perrakis, Ph.D. is a great beginners guide choice for those interested in learning about balancing, healing and unblocking your chakras for health and positive energy. Each chapter includes exercises for accessing the energy of each chakra, including meditations, journal exercises and working with goddesses and spirit guides. We love the illustrations as well. You can grab it over on Amazon.
Then there’s Judy Hall’s The Ultimate Guide to Crystal Grids. First off, I’m a huge Judy Hall fan and have all of her books except for one. We reference her Crystal Bibles frequently before our Blue Soul Circles.
In this guide, she shows novices and seasoned crystal practitioners how to construct crystal grids (and features over 50 to learn from) to create, heal, and manifest goals and intentions.
The book outlines the specifics of constructing an effective grid, how to harness the power of sacred geometry, and which crystals are most effective for particular grids and purposes. Find it over on Amazon.
Two other great crystal books worth mentioning include Crystals for Energy Healing by Ashley Lavy and Crystals for Positive Manifestation by Sarah Bartlett.
While one of the categories we hoped to include here this December was essential oils, we didn’t have time to get a few vendors in to test out, so hopefully in the spring. It’s no secret that we’re fans of DoTERRA however and our sister magazine covered them last year.
The ever so useful Aromatherapy Kit, a Guide for Essential Oils for Everyday Life is a must if you’re into holistic healing and wellness. Far from new knowledge, essential oils are an all-natural way to bring about peace, calm, energy, and many other states of being.
The Aromatherapy Kit contains information on all of the most common oils used in home remedies: orange, lavender, peppermint, tea tree, lemon, frankincense, geranium, and cedarwood. They are each profiled so you can use their individual attributes to create a unique blend for exactly what you need, with instructions given on whether oils are to be used topically or diffused around your home.
We discovered this fascinating device at the TransformativeTech Conference in Silicon Valley last month. New to the market, the device idea and creation came out of a team in Japan.

Their approach is made possible by a digital consciousness technology they utilize, which optimizes five layers of each person through a state-of-the art technology of human consciousness. So, what does this mean?
Blocking out the negative stuff allows you to feel a more grounding and calming effect during your daily life. Think of it as a tool to help your body and mind detox from excessive information overload and toxic energy.