We had our official Blue Soul Circle in our San Francisco home on a weekend in March which happened to be within a day or two of the Full Moon. The timing of the moon cycle wasn’t something we had particularly planned, however it just magically out that way. It could be one of the reasons why the crystal grid I prepared for our circle was so powerful or why our kick off circle was so magical.

Truth be told, since it was our first one, we invited friends we trust and have known for awhile, so it was a pretty forgiving crowd. I recommend this anytime you’re launching something new. After all, your friends may be forgiving but they’ll also tell you where you can improve in the future. I was a tad nervous although Anthony seemed to be fine, more curious whether Spirit would in fact come through while everyone was in the room.

In this regard, we both went into our first circle with a bit of uncertainty. We figured that if Spirit didn’t come “through,” we would open some wine and pop the dishes we prepared into the oven sooner and just socialize until the cows came home. But, Spirit had other plans and of course, they not only came through for our first Blue Soul Circle, but you could say they shined bright.

Blue Soul Circle

We opened the evening with an overview of what people could expect. There were around a dozen people (including ourselves) and we talked about the importance of positive intention, vibration matching to that intention, focusing on Light Beings from the Highest Possible Light and staying grounded and at ease throughout the course of the evening. If stuff comes up (which can happen with any energy work), to allow it to come up and work through it. All of us had plenty of water and had already been nibbling on grounding food like dark chocolate and almonds.

Because it was the first time we held this kind of circle (we have done others), where Spirit was likely going to come through for each individual, we went around the room asking WHY people decided to show up. Of course, our friends “trust” us, that whatever we put forward will be authentic and guided, however I find that there is always another reason that you least expect when you do a little probing. People were incredibly open, which helped ease the process of us all getting to know each other in this glorious sacred container we had created. A few said they wanted to go deeper into their spiritual path and explore the strength and power of Spirit more directly. Certainly attending a spiritual circle where there’s a trance medium present is a good way to experience a deeper nose dive into consciousness.

Since it appeared that Spirit was eager to connect, Anthony allowed himself to go into trance sooner than he otherwise would have and the sparks began to fly, quietly of course. I could see people’s faces as our Spirit Guides connected with theirs and conveyed messages of inspiration, love, joy and purpose. People’s Spirit Guides came through and messages ranged from divine love to more specifics, through a visual recollection of something from the past. At times, Anthony was shown visuals of a past life with symbolism that seemed relevant to the individual. Ascended Masters came through and via both of our sacral chakras, Gods and Goddesses began to come through.

I always love it with Gaia (Mother Earth energy) comes through since I feel closest to this Goddess for some reason. It could nothing more than my strong connection to the Earth and nature however I have the feeling that it runs much deeper than that. Over the course of the evening, I could see more snippets of magic unfold and a warm sense of connectedness between all of us that was pretty powerful.

After everyone left, we toasted to Gaia, our Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters and all other Light Beings who helped make the evening a joyous one. Then, we went onto our front porch which has an incredible view of San Francisco and looked out into the night. The lights from downtown glistened. And, the very nearly full moon stared back at us and gave us a nod. A glow. A gleam. A smile. The moon was on our side on that magical evening and we feel blessed and grateful.

For the first time in well over a year, we truly understood that guiding people to Spirit and connecting with Spirit was an integral part of our life path as twin souls. We understood in a way that was so much broader than we had felt before. We’ve both been on a spiritual path for years, but our first circle somehow sealed it in a beautiful way that only Spirit can seem to do.

The mission was ours to own and we realized that Blue Soul Circles would be a big part of it. These circles serve to help those interested in accelerating consciousness, yearning for a deeper exploration of spirituality and to better understand how mindfulness and a spiritual life can transform who we are and everything around us.

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