Although we have been throwing circles all year in intimate settings, they have largely been with people who are already healers in their own way or those in alternative and creative industries or the arts. In other words, we’ve never had a circle solely dedicated to individuals in business and technology.

This is one of the things which made our latest Blue Soul Circle unique, but that isn’t all. On November 6, we held our very first circle solely dedicated to Chinese entrepreneurs, which resulted in a profound and powerful experience for us, for attendees and for our Spirit team.

Chinese Blue Soul Circle

Some of the top entrepreneurs from China planned a trip to San Francisco and northern California in early November to experience the latest in spirituality and consciousness; we were honored to be part of their agenda.

We never know what will transpire during a circle in advance because we typically don’t know anything about attendees beforehand.

Even when we know something about their “career path”, that doesn’t necessarily help with understanding their Soul’s Purpose in this lifetime because they are not always aligned nor does it help us understand what trauma and karma they are holding onto from past lives.

This is when our Spirit team steps in to assist, for they are able to tap into information that is far beyond what we are capable with our human minds.

Within our limited 3D thinking, we often forget how simple our purpose here in this lifetime is regardless of what our talents, skills and passions may be. It is always connected to kindness, love, serving, teaching and healing in the ways which are most natural for us.

Given the lineage of the group, it was no surprise that Kwan Yin’s energy came through a couple of times as did Gaia energy.

Our Spirit team recognized a couple from the angelic realm and a master in the other realms as well, making Anthony bow down to him again and again. Needless to say, we found this as amusing as our guests did who knew him well.

Blue Soul Circle

Then there were others we met who were on similar journeys to our own. For example, one gentleman was a Philanthropist who works with Autistic children in China. As our Spirit team so often reminds us: there are never any accidents with who we meet, when we meet them or why they are in our path.

Blue Soul Circle China
Our Spirit guides & teachers often use hands and feet as a way to tell information about the Soul and its purpose and at times, even past life information.

And, sometimes Spirit recognizes healing talents in people who either didn’t know they existed or did, but buried the “gift” earlier on in their lives.

The other thing we have noticed lately is that our Spirit guides, masters and teachers like to involve others in a healing process, whether it be emotional or physical as they are inevitably connected. It’s a way to demonstrate the power of our own healing abilities and gifts, remembering that we are Spirit first and human second, which dramatically changes how we view and handle everything in our lives.

What is always astonishing to us is that while sometimes the information that comes through often sounds so “out there” to our human ears, it always seems to resonate with the individual at a visceral level. Even if the information is confusing, there’s something in their bodies and emotions that recognizes and resonates with the information. Ultimately, each encounter with Spirit is transformative in some way. Attendees learn. We learn. And, we’d argue that our Spirit team learns as well.

Spirit also “played with the group” – they had us do exercises which helped all participants re-learn how to recognize energy around us, play with it and manipulate it. Despite the language barrier, plenty of love came through in both directions and from our Spirit team.

Blue Soul Circle China
Playing with and manipulating energy in the room

We always end in a circle where we join hands, thank Spirit for their healing and lessons and send positive and loving intention to the group as well as to the universe, so it’s always inward and outward ritual if you like, creating a whole.

There was a translator and photographer and of course in typical Blue Soul Circle style, we feasted afterwards on nourishing and healthy food, cider, wine and teas. We felt honored to work with this incredible group and hope that an ongoing dialogue and relationship continues.




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