The Adirondacks are part of our past. We both grew up in upstate New York, and so the mountains, the lakes, the birds, the trees, the loons, the soil, the Old Town canoes and the falling leaves in Autumn are all part of who we are. So are apple and blueberry picking, pumpkin pie and long walks in the woods.
We were thrilled when we had an opportunity to throw a small Blue Soul Circle in the Adirondacks and as Spirit would have it, the venue was at an old friend’s home whose abode directly faces the Sacandaga Lake. Our Spirit Team loves nature and wants to see us spending more time in nature — they tell us this often.

Adirondacks Spirits We Didn’t Expect to Meet
Pure nature, wildlife and lake country, this is the beautiful and sacred land where we spent our childhood.
We were fascinated to learn that although we grew up in the area and knew that the Sacandaga Reservoir was built in the early 1930’s, we didn’t know that many peasants and farmers lost their homes through eminent domain. We covered it in a bit more depth on our sister site, We Blog the World, which is dedicated to Transformative Travel.
This valley was flooded to build the lake, reservoir and dam. Some tied themselves to their homes and went down with their properties — to this day, you can see kitchens and barns under water if you dive here. People have cited coffins coming to the surface because not everything was relocated properly before the project began.
The waters near Blechellerville Bridge, nearby Northville and Edinburg are turbulent, moreso than any other part of Sacandaga and it is believed that the spirits who lost their homes and lives at the time are still unsettled and not at ease. Our Spirit team confirmed this during our Blue Soul Circle. This leads to our rediscovery and memory of just how many unsettled spirits are in the area, not able to let the past go. Let’s face it — there is no shortage of “haunted” houses in Fulton County.

Anthony felt the present of one strong spirit who hadn’t crossed over to the light in the rear of Fuller’s, a local country store which was once owned and run by a husband/wife team who attended our circle. This spirit didn’t want to cross over or be helped and with that negative energy carries haunts for those left behind. So many untold stories to tell.

We hope that our friends can unveil that story with more clarity and facts, so that the voices of these spirits can get closure. This will surely help many regain more optimism, peace and serenity that the beauty of this Adirondack region so exudes on the surface.
Our First Adirondacks Blue Soul Circle
Although the Blue Soul Circle on the Great Sacandaga Lake was small, it was powerful. Our Spirit Team tells us all the time that size isn’t relevant — the message that is conveyed (and most importantly how it is received) is what’s crucial.
It was a bit strange for us to hold a circle in the region where we grew up, largely because we hadn’t really shared it with childhood friends, and well….we don’t get back there for a visit as often as we’d like.
In this case, we knew Bob, however had no knowledge about the rest of the attendees, one of which was a yoga teacher who had lived elsewhere in the states before returning to Northville where she too grew up.
We learned for the first time how much Spirit is able to pick up from hands, feet and eyes. While Spirit always looks deep into people’s eyes as a way of gaining insights about your Soul (and seeing your Soul), we never understood before our Adirondack Blue Soul Circle that they can pick up DNA and other lineage codes and information from feet. Yup, those tells tell them something.
Later, a cousin came to visit and Spirit connected with him, conveying a bunch of information that startled us. We were a bit worried he might think we were a bit “out there” with some of the past life memories which came through for him.
Of course, Spirit always surprises us and everyone “they” touch. From ancient Asian temples to desert storms in the Middle East, images were given to us to communicate. Not only did it resonate with him, but it was as if this “warrior” soul had known about some of it….of course at a Soul‘s Level.
As for the lesson we can learn from nature? Read this piece written about how nature can heal you if you only let her — written about the Adirondacks too.

We hope we have an opportunity to hold more Blue Soul Circles in the Adirondacks. If interested in booking a Blue Soul Circle in your neck of the woods, email us for more information about how we can work with you. We can hold them in homes, organizations, companies, clubs and more. We can also channel on a trip as well or at a retreat. Connect at and let’s discuss what you’d like to create.