Behind the Scenes with The Magdalene Collection

Renee has always wanted to make jewelry for years and has been collecting pieces (pendants, amulets and stones) from her travels around the world. She has used them in other art formsfrom canvas to driftwoodbut when she transitioned some of her passionate ideas to jewelry, it was as if she had been making pieces for hundreds of years, not hours.

In 2024, the Magdalene Collection was born.

Our inspiration is entrenched with Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine in mindSophia. Shekinah . . . the Goddess aspect of what each one of us hold regardless of what sexual orientation we identify with in this lifetime.

In the collection, there are currently nine lines:

The Sophia, which is dedicated to Mary Magdalene, also known as Miriam of Magdala, who once walked the planet over two thousand years ago. Her name was tainted by the patriarchy for so long until more recently, she was deemed The Apostle of Apostles by the Pope. She represents feminine strength and empowerment. She invites you to open up to your own wisdom and intuition, have the confidence to speak your truth and to lead with love but also with conviction and resolve. It’s long overdue.

The Creatrix, The Alchemist, The Mystic, The Artist, The Warrior, The Beacon, and The Mentor, all connect to the archetypes of the seven women Miriam taught and worked alongside after they left ancient Judea and moved to Gaul, our modern France. They were the female apostles who were left out of the history and holy books, all of whom were instrumental in creating a following of the true Gnostic teachings. It was the foundation that Yeshua (who the world most knows as Jesus of Nazareth) taught: the kingdom lies within, and that love is the key to the enlightenment so many seek externallyout there . . . outside oneself. We write about their roles and journey in our book Magdalene’s Journey, which shares the life and untold teachings of Miriam of Magdala. They are most commonly referred to in the book as the seven sisters.

The Peace (the ninth line) is dedicated to Yeshua for his commitment to peace, love and unity consciousness. A wayshower who was far ahead of his time, he walked the path less taken. His teachings were controversial and radical, for it was challenging for others to find peace in the world and in themselves when they couldn’t see it around them. Their lives were riddled in fear from Romans on one side and a monotheistic external God on the other with far too many rules and laws to uphold. Serenity wasn’t the order of the day and yet Yeshua taught about Peace through non-violence, love and the internal Gnostic pathwe are the true gurus we seek elsewhere. He taught that God is within and there is no separation. Even the Buddhists teach that the root of all suffering lies in the perception of separation. These messages are integral to the key takeaways in Magdalene’s Journey.

The Inspiration

The inspiration for the necklaces came from our work on the book and our teachings at Blue Soul Earth, which include the need to balance the feminine and masculine to create harmony in ourselves and the world at this time in humanity’s evolution.

The Magdalene Collection necklaces are designed for both women and men. They weave the energies of the gemstones with specific archetypes. Because we are all unique fragments or off-shoots of the whole, but we are also the whole itself, there’s overlap between the archetypes, and you may feel that merging when you wear one.

In other words, we are the drop of the ocean, but we are also the ocean. We are stardust, but we are also the Universe, which lives inside us as much as we live inside it. Once you start wearing the piece, you, too, will be putting your energy into it. Energetically, this combination is incredibly powerful. As some of our customers say, it’s palpable . . . even nourishing.

The Process

Every necklace is part of one of the nine archetype lines. Our process is very individualized and intentionaleach piece is handmade by Renee and Anthony and infused with the energies of the archetypes and the frequencies they work with, including the Sophia, Shekinah, and the I Am Who I Am frequencies. Below is a little background on the lines.

The Magdalene Collection Lines

The Sophia

Sophia means wisdom in Greek and is often depicted as various incarnations of ancient and sacred female knowledge and wisdom. Sophia is also deeply connected to Gnosticism, seen as a fractal of energy of the whole . . . of God, of Source. You might say that it is rooted in the different incarnations of feminine knowledge. Sophia is one of the central figures of Gnosticism, a Christian philosophical movement that is believed to have started in ancient Rome and Persia. The Kabbalah tradition sees it as the feminine face of God or the female expression of God. We are all fractals, but we are also the whole. In other words, Source is not separate from us. You could see this as holographic in nature: God, Godde, Goddess, Yahweh, Brahman, Allah, the Infinite, Source (whatever description best works for you) . . . manifested into form. Gaia (the Earth) is part of that form. Since the masculine and feminine energies have been out of balance for so long, the Sophia Line invites you to embrace the feminine Godde/Source within and tap into its pure power. In that innate understanding of non-duality, you are one with the All That Is.

The Creatrix

Many images may come to mind when you hear the word Creatrix. An extension of Creator perhaps? Think of Creatrix as an energy form that is always in motion creating and co-creating. We all have Creatrix energy in us, but some are more developed as a practice than others. It’s easy to spot the natural Creatrix energies in your circles—they’re always weaving things together, organizing, launching and leading activities, orchestrating, throwing parties, creating art, music and events. You get the idea. This is an energy we can nurture and when we do, we begin to move into the mode of creating . . . moving things into motion. When you tap into this creative power, all things are possible. We are always creating and co-creating in each and every moment through our intentions, words, actions and belief systems. When you’re in creation mode, consider the well-being of all and that beautiful cause-and-effect mirroring of life will return blessings to you tenfold.

The Alchemist

The classic definition of an Alchemist is someone who practices Alchemy, the most commonly cited act of which is turning something ordinary into something magical, like basic metals into gold. The meaning has morphed over the years. Some say that an Alchemist has the ability to transmute the traumas and shadows that plague us as human beings, turning them into joy and peace. Essentially, it relates to personal transformation through emotional and physical healing. When you are aware of your innate healing power, you can free up the obstacles that get in the way of your personal transformative process. This leads to freedom from our anxieties and fears. It has been said that when we heal ourselves, we heal others and when we heal others, we heal ourselves. As alchemists, we can shed beliefs that no longer serve us, so we can lead with love in all areas of our lives.

The Mystic

We are believers that all of these archetypal energies exist in all of us, but one or two may resonate more than others. Some people naturally see themselves as mystics whereas others have a hard time identifying with the word. According to Websters, a mystic is simply a “follower of a mystical way of life and an advocate of a theory of mysticism.” If you dive deeper, you discover that it relates to having an experience of a “mystical union or direct communication with ultimate reality.” Mystics generally have spiritual experiences beyond what science or even religion can explain, often through subtle insights from beyond our known reality in this 3D world, an innate understanding of an esoteric idea or a vision that sheds light on a situation. Call it intuition, your noetic compass or whatever language you choose to describe it. If you are drawn to something in this line, let the idea of ritual and ceremony guide you into new and unknown pathways to the mystic heart.

The Artist

Whether you’re an artist or are drawn to a piece that falls in The Artist line, chances are that this archetypal energy is calling to you for a particular reason. Just like you might be drawn to a gemstone, color, an item of clothing or a piece of jewelry, that calling if you will is forever changing, because we are forever changing. You may be an artist or have natural creative gifts, so the vibrancy of the colors and diversity draw you to a specific design. Or it could be that your creative abilities have been untapped or underutilized so you’re out of balance. The Artist archetype invites you to play more, embrace color, diversity and change and go with the flow of life rather than the routine of it. Sometimes we can get stuck and before long, we’re living life on auto-pilot instead of as The Artist who has the ability to create a new canvas in each and every moment. Let each day be a new canvas that you create or co-create by allowing your creative juices to pour forth and fill you with artistic fire to keep giving in a healthy and balanced way. Remember to give back to you.

The Warrior

This archetype is often associated with traditional male energy since it is one of the four male archetypes commonly cited along with the King, the Magician and the Lover. Since each of us embody all the archetypes listed here (and beyond), we each have a Warrior Spirit within us. The Warrior symbolizes internal strength, resilience, focus, and determination to overcome obstacles and shadows in our lives. Also connected to the Warrior are discipline and mastering the balance between aggression and maintaining inner calm. The renowned martial artist Bruce Lee is known for saying “the art of fighting without fighting,” when describing his style. This is a beautiful segue into the spiritual aspects of the Warrior. The resilience part of the Warrior is enduring challenges and even pain to achieve their destiny. They understand that pain and setbacks are thorns along your path that simply make you stronger when you move through them. As Buddhist Pema Chödrön says, “What you resist persists. What you accept transforms.” When we resist, we create suffering. Perhaps you’re drawn to a piece in the Warrior Line because you already embody these qualities or because you need to integrate some of the Warrior’s best practices into your life right now. 

The Beacon

When you think of the word Beacon, you likely think of Beacon of Light, and perhaps even a lighthouse that beams light to those in troubled waters. The idea of being The Beacon is simple—becoming a source of light to others. We do this when we listen to our internal compass and trust our innate wisdom. Weaving science into the mix, human beings are molecules and atoms who emit particles of light called biophotons. This is a great analogy for the idea of acting as “light beings” when we show up in the world. As The Beacon, you have the opportunity to become a source of light, creativity, inspiration and love to others on your path. When you inspire others, you ignite their soul’s journey. When you shed light on others, you bring hope to those who live with fear, trauma, tragedy and pain. We each have a unique gift. Perhaps this is how you identify yourself or perhaps you don’t, but others see you as a Beacon of Light. Often when you’re drawn to something, it’s the Universe’s subtle way of saying: “Are you listening?” Be in touch with your light and demonstrate it through your words and actions.

The Mentor

We are strong believers in mentorship because we are strong believers in community. Everyone needs to receive support through mentorship and to share their gifts by mentoring others. It’s always a symbiotic two-way street. Sometimes we end up mentoring others without even realizing we’re doing it, simply by showing up and listening. Other times, we mentor others through our actions. In the book Magdalene’s Journey, Miriam shares insights about each of the seven sisters, including the mentor who she describes as your modern-day therapist . . . the one who listens and provides feedback without judgment. She’s the Confidante. He’s the Rock you can count on. If you’re drawn to something in The Mentor line, perhaps it is to acknowledge you for your support of others or maybe it’s because you need the courage to reach out to someone else for help at this time in your life. Remember, we aren’t meant to walk the journey of life alone. Tap into community. Find a mentor or become one. Listen. Feel. Connect. It’s a powerful journey when we trust others, ask for their guidance and give it when others come to us. Oftentimes people don’t share because they worry that their words will travel far and wide and not be held in confidence and care. It is key that you  maintain a sacred container of trust. With it comes a lasting friendship you can count on.

The Peace

Yeshua was all about peace and non-violence. He accepted people who were shunned in society, such as the poor and those with illness and disease. Peace and Love were core to his teachings over two thousand years ago, although his words were misinterpreted and changed. The Peace Line is about intentionally choosing Peace and Unity over Conflict and Divisiveness. Remember, we make choices in each moment of our day. To find inner peace, we need to become it through our words and actions. If you seek peace, then find mentors and a community that embrace it. If you embody peace, lead by example so others can see a different way forward. When you’re drawn to a piece on The Peace Line, let it serve as a reminder of the importance of serenity and calm in your life and how becoming peace will illuminate it for others around you. Intend it and then surrender to it. While it’s not always an easy path, it is certainly a rewarding one filled with grace when you least expect it. Breathe into that knowing.

Learn more about our work and check out our latest book, Magdalene’s Journey.


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