While I haven’t yet had a chance to meet medium Lisa Williams in person or via Skype, we did manage to do a little Q&A with her over the last month. Join our conversation below.

Lisa Williams

Renee: Over a successful career, you read for clients, have been in the media spotlight with your own show and have authored books. Of all the things you do in the spiritual realm, what is most inspiring to you and why?

Lisa Williams: Teaching has been the thing that has inspired me most because I have met some incredible students. Since I started my school (the Lisa Williams School of Spiritual Development) I’ve met, taught and mentored literally thousands of people, all with wonderful hearts and amazing stories. To watch someone build their self-confidence, feel comfortable with their gift and develop their own spirituality is such an honor.

Renee: Tell me more about your approach to teaching and how your approach may differ from others in your field?

Lisa Williams: First of all, my classes are about having fun! We laugh, we joke, it’s important to keep our energy up and to be positive. I believe in a very hands-on approach too, and always make sure that students can talk to me, approach me and come to me with any difficulties they are encountering – I do challenge my students, as any of them will tell you!

Renee: Of all the readings you have done, is there one which has transformed you personally?

Lisa Williams: There are so many when I look back, I have had those who have made me appreciate all that I have in my life, and how lucky I am, and then there are others that have made me see the world completely differently. I think in each reading I learn something new, and I get so many messages from spirit, where even I have a ‘wow’ moment with what they have to share with us, especially about the philosophy of life.  So while I would love to say I have one that has transformed me, I would have to say that most of the readings that I do, teach me, or make me appreciate life so much more.

Lisa Williams

Lisa Williams

Renee: Since you travel so much, can you name 3 places you’d consider to have a special spiritual energy, a bit like the renowned Vortex in Sedona? What lesser known places are out there?

Lisa Williams: There are two places that stand out to me – one is Lily Dale, where I live in NY. It’s a spiritualist community and the environment there is incredible. It’s historic, atmospheric, and so important to the Spiritualist community in the United States, if not the entire world.

When we all gather there for meetings, or meet at the Stump for messages, you can feel the energy. Uluru (Ayers Rock) in Australia is another place that really made an impression on me. I was there recently and although I’ve been before several times now, it never fails to impress me.

Renee: How do you handle spirit energy at inopportune times, such as group dinners or parties? If you sense someone’s deceased loved one has an important message, how do you handle it?

Lisa Williams: It depends on the setting, because I wouldn’t want to be inappropriate, but generally I will take the person to one side and let them know I have a message I’d like to pass on. I would always respect their wishes and if they decline, that would be perfectly fine.

But I haven’t had anyone say no yet! One of the questions I always ask at the beginning of every reading, or passing on any messages, is, ‘Do you want to know everything?’. It’s my responsibility as a medium to respect boundaries.

Renee: How do you stay grounded?

Lisa Williams: Being a mom! There’s nothing like having teenagers in the house to bring you down-to-earth. As much as I love traveling, teaching and everything else that goes with my job, I can’t wait to come home to my family.

Renee: I hail from the Adirondacks so am a huge fan of upstate New York. What brought you there and what do you love about it most?

Lisa Williams: I had lived in Los Angeles for several years and felt it was time to move somewhere a little quieter, somewhere I could spend some time writing without all the distractions. I’d been to Lily Dale a few times and fell in love with it, so when I heard that a house was for sale I jumped at the chance. I haven’t regretted it for a moment.

Renee: How is Lisa, the mom, friend and author different than Lisa, the psychic and medium?

Lisa Williams: What you see is what you get! I’m the same whether I’m with family, friends, my team, clients, students, celebrities. I don’t see any point trying to be someone you’re not.

Renee: Do you ever embody spirit or do they work through you via thoughts and words? Or in other ways?

Lisa Williams: All of the above. I love it when spirit gets so close that I can feel them allowing me to blend with their energies. It can give the client such an intimate experience with their loved one. I also do trance work so I allow spirit to take me over, which is incredible. They also connect with me through thoughts and words and I do see them too, so I am lucky that they connect in so many different ways.

Renee: Do you have a spirit guide? What is he/she like and how do they help you?

Lisa Williams: Yes, I have a few spirit guides and they help me daily. Different guides help with different things. It’s a very personal relationship, and everyone has someone from Spirit to guide them.

Renee: Of all the spiritual authors, writers, healers and teachers out there, who are the two who inspire you the most and why?

Lisa Williams: I get to work with so many amazing speakers and teachers, so I am very lucky. I think the one that I am most inspired by is Denise Linn, I just love her. She has such a passion for life and truly walks her talk and is authentic, which is important in this industry.

My second inspiration isn’t a healer in this industry, but she is incredible, and that is Celine Dion. It’s not her music, it’s her approach and positivity to life, how she manages to balance and maintain her life as a mother, a career woman and icon. Her story is powerful and beautiful and so inspiring.

For more information on the world of Lisa Williams, her books and more, visit her website.