Ready for a few new invigorating reads in the worlds of spirituality, healing and energy? I love expanding my senses and never have a spiritual read very far from my side — they’re next to my bed, in my purse, on my car seats and the coffee table.

Three recent reads include the works of Diana Palm, Lucinda Gabriel and Margarita Alcantara. From mediumship and accessing the spirit world to chakra healing and talking to angels, let’s explore fresh insights from these treasured authors.

spiritual books chakra healing shift energy access angels
Photo credit: Chulhwan/Pixabay

Mediumship Scrying & Transfiguration

I read Diana Palm’s first book Setting Spirits Free a couple of months ago and couldn’t put it down — my write-up is included in this book review entitled 3 Summer Spiritual Reads and you can find a link on how to order it and her newest book Mediumship Scrying and Transfiguration at the bottom of this post. Be sure to read my extensive piece about Diana’s world including what it’s like to work with her as well.

chakra healing shift energy access angelsLike she asserts in her first book, everyone can gain the ability to see spirits and communicate with loved ones in the spirit world and it shouldn’t be something that we fear.

We all have the ability to communicate with the “other side” and there are countless books and resources that help guide you through the process, of identifying your psychic abilities, enhancing them and honing them so you can communicate directly.

These skills can also be used to clear your space, and protect yourself from unwanted entities, negative energy and spirits that could drain your energy.

Her writing is very approachable, so whether you’re further along on your spiritual path, are already a medium, or just curious about spirituality and the afterlife, this fascinating book will bring you into the world of spirits and ghosts (yes, really) and discern the difference between them.

So often I talk to people who fear death and everything that happens after death, largely because we don’t really know what happens to our soul and whether afterlife is easy or hard, good or bad, painful or freeing. More knowledge sets you free and Diana has a great way of breaking things down in easy-to-understand language that is most importantly, not fear inducing.

Is it really possible to see spirits in a crystal ball, hear or see them in your mind‘s eye, access them via a transfiguration, or in a series of ripples in a pond?  Learn how to access this world through a series of techniques and open up your psychic abilities in ways you may never have imagined.

How to Talk to Angels

I absolutely love Canada-based Lucinda Gabriel’s energy when I first met her via Skype. In my journey of working with spiritual healers and authors from around the world, Skype has proved to be an amazing way to see the faces of the voices behind the books, papers and talks. Her angelic presence had me at hello and we spoke as if we had known each other for years.

Authentic and fun, I had a session with her where she connected with my angels and spirit guides to share their insights on the next chapter of my life. Be sure to read my review of the experience.

chakra healing shift energy access angels

Her riveting read on How to Talk to Angels is a practical guide to asking for guidance, comfort and strength and tips on how to access the spirit world in a way that helps you along your path.

Like Diana’s belief system, Lucinda too feels that this power of divine access is possible for all of us.

Her book teaches you how to invite divine beings into your daily life and benefit from their loving guidance of angels. Whether you’ve always been a fan of angels or a skeptic, using her easy-to-follow techniques and simple exercises, you’ll learn how to better hone your psychic abilities (we all have them), your intuition and your “clairs” to better communicate with angels and receive their sacred messages.

You don’t have to be religious to benefit from this very insightful read on angels and the spirit world. Angelic signs are around us all the time and they aren’t directly related to a formal religion although some religions use them in books, buildings and objects.

I’m not a fan of structured religion nor do I see myself as religious, yet I believe that angels exist. It’s up to us how we interpret their presence and meaning — we can simply access their guidance through meditation, intention and gratitude.

It’s more about releasing fear and embracing love than it is about any spiritual entity. Access to the other side can help you with both, as well as important issues we face, like forgiveness, manifesting positive things and people in our lives and getting rid of negative energies that don’t serve us. Lucinda explores the healing benefits of meditation, the angelic and spiritual realms, and how angels and spirits communicate, but she also touches on practical matters.

For example, her chapters explore the things we all grapple with, such as manifesting health, love, and abundance as well as understanding our life’s purpose. It’s a great resource we can turn to again and again for gentle reminders and tips on how to access a world that can support us throughout our life’s journey.

Chakra Healing

I’ve known about chakra work for awhile now and let’s face it – we could all use a l’il chakra clearing and healing from time-to-time. After all, our spiritual health is as important as taking care of ourselves physically and mentally.

Margarita Alcantara’s easy-to-read book Chakra Healing, is a beginner’s guide to self-healing techniques that aim to balance your chakras.

chakra healing shift energy access angels

Even though I’ve done clearing work with practitioners locally in San Francisco, at various spiritual events as well as remotely, it can be a bit overwhelming to break things down to what is most useful and practical when a chakra is out of alignment.

There are plenty of resources on chakras including stones you place on your chakras for self-healing at home. I’ve been given mantras to say after a cleansing has been done as well as lots of information on colors that are associated with each chakra and what each one means.

What I love about this book is that it serves as more of a “guide”, providing affirmations, useful crystals that work with each chakra and helpful essential oils. It offers possible causes of energy blocks as well as how you might feel when each chakra is out of harmony and how you should feel when a chakra is in harmony.

It even addresses mental and emotional issues as well as potential physical dysfunctions and life lessons.

What else is cool is that she even offers yoga poses to help each chakra. For example, the sacral plexus chakra relates to creativity among other things. It is also the seat of our physical strength. She asserts that corresponding yoga poses that can assist here, include anything that fires up our core muscles, such as four limbed staff posture and all the warrior poses.

“Creativity and the water element may be nurtured through flowing movement and breath, promoting flexibility in the lower spine.”

As such, Child’s Pose, Happy Baby Pose and Downward Facing Dog can be useful here. There are even visual examples of many of the poses so non-yogis can take advantage of her physical recommendations as well.

Other Useful Resources

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